Thursday, August 28, 2008

I told you so

Yesterday I got an email from Johnny...I was surprised to get one, but not surprised by the content. Here goes:


I hope you had a nice weekend and enjoyed Vegas. I know I have been out of touch lately so I thought I would send you a quick email. I think it's important to be honest so I wanted to let you know that I think you are a terrific person and I enjoy hanging out with you. I don't want this to sound like a big deal but I have been thinking about "things" and I think it would be best for us to remain friends at this point. As mentioned before, I really enjoy spending time with you but I think our distance and your living situation may be difficult for me to deal with. Again, I don't want this to sound like a big deal because we really don't know each other that well but I wanted to be upfront with you. I would still like to hang out once in awhile when I come up to Reno if you would like. Let me know your thoughts....
Take care,

Okay, here are my thoughts:

1) If you didn't want to get into a long distance relationship, don't contact girls who don't live near you.

2) When I told you about my living situation, you said you had no problem with it, and you had been in the same situation, so you understood. BS

3) This is why it is better to just cease contact. I didn't need this email - I fully understood your position when you didn't respond to my text. We went on two dates, no explanation is needed.

4) Nope, I don't want to hang out with you when you are in town. I will be too busy going on actual dates.

5) Yes, I realize #4 is sort of hypocritical, since Pharm was interested in me and now we just hang out as friends...but we're both fine with it, so it's okay :)

6) No, I didn't send this to him, instead I sent a very friendly, polite "I'm disappointed but not surprised, good luck with your search" type email.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

He's just not that into me...

Remember last Friday when I was worried about my date with Johnny the previous night? I said that I didn't think he was into me since he didn't make a move, but then received lots of assurance from YOU PEOPLE about how it would all be okay. Yesterday, with the encouragement of a guy friend, I sent another text...nothing big, just asking how Johnny's week was going. And did I get a response? NOPE. None. Nada. So I guess I have to cross Johnny off the list. I will say it's not fun being on the other side, but I guess it had to happen eventually, statistically speaking. Boo.

Okay, I'm over that.

I have a date set up on Tuesday with a new guy. I'll call him Pablo. He's some sort of art manager- he manages the artists who design slot machines. And yes, he works for the same company as Slot. Hopefully he's less of a tool.

Assuming he asks, I will also be going out with 5'5" guy...I'll call him Sprout (you know, Jolly Green Giant's little friend). He does seem cool and I do think that most people deserve a shot...and it's not like it's his fault he's of short stature. Unless he got that way from doing steroids at the age of 7 or something...

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Does size matter?

Get your minds out of the gutter...I'm talking about height. Sheesh!

Today I got a message from a guy who sounds pretty cool. His last sentence asked if I were flexible on my 5'10" height minimum. I look at his profile. First of all, he's super cute. Hot, even. Good profile, nice pics. Then I look at his height. 5'5". I'm 5'7" without shoes. Unless he's wearing the Peewee Herman platform boots, I'm going to be way taller than him if I wear any shoe with a heel. If I were 6' or something, 2 inches wouldn't be a big deal....but that's not the case.

So, to my female readers, would you date a guy who was significantly shorter than you? And guys, would you date a girl taller than you? Leave your comments and let me know!

Friday, August 22, 2008

So Confused

Last night was my second date with Johnny. I was really looking forward to it because I had a great time with him on our first date, which was two weeks ago. Since then we've talked on the phone a few times and emailed and texted a lot.

We met at a pretty nice restaurant (you know, table cloths, candles, and waiters who have those little bread crumb scraper things). Everything went really well, we had no trouble talking. Afterward we headed back to my place to play some Rock Band (he has it as well, so we sort of challenged each other to a game). We played that for a while and then just sat there and talked (an hour of Rock Band = very tired arms, by the way). We talked for well over an hour. One thing I noticed is how comfortable I was with him. I wasn't really nervous or anything. Oh, and my cats loved him, so he's obviously not an axe murderer (very scientific test there). End of the night comes around....and I get a hug. Yes, much like what you'd give your friend or your sister. No attempt at any sort of move was made.

After he left I was trying to figure out what was going on. Then I remembered something from one of his original emails (remember, he lives out of town, but comes up here for work almost every week):

"I usually hang out with customers when I travel up there but it would be nice to visit with someone outside of work."

Visit. What exactly does that mean? Is he just looking for a friend to hang out with? It seems odd that he would have a profile on match for that. On the flip side, he does say some flirty things and based on his actions/words until 10:45 last night I would have guessed that he was into me. Maybe I'm over reacting...maybe he's just a nice guy who doesn't move too fast and is more of a 3rd date kisser. What do you think? I'm so confused.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

My Very First...

...Dear John letter! Today is a sad day. As you may know, I'm going to Vegas this weekend with a friend. We are going because we always have an awesome time there, or wherever else we go...somehow our night always ends up going a completely different direction than we would have predicted. Aside from that, I was planning on meeting up with Maverick while in town. I didn't really see anything serious coming from meeting him, but I did think it would be fun to meet up; after all, we've been "talking" for three months now. Yesterday I get an email from him (okay, cue the sad music)...he said that over the weekend he decided to get back together with his ex, and that he didn't think it would be fair to either of us if he were to meet up with me. I have no idea if what he said was true, I mean maybe he just wasn't into me. But either way, I can't say I'm a big fan of the Dear John letter! My method of just not responding to an email is just so much easier. So, I guess I can scratch Maverick off my list of boys.

Moving on (wow, that was fast), I think Johnny is coming up here again on Thursday which means we will hang out. Yay!

Monday, August 18, 2008

My wonderful week

My wonderful, dateless week has come to an end. It was really nice to just go home after work and not worry about getting ready for a date. However, after watching Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2 last night, I was suddenly reminded how much I hate being single. Even though the sickly-sweet things that the guys in this movie do are completely unrealistic (I mean NO guy has ever lit up his entire apartment with candles and then fed me his gourmet home-cooked meal on the top of his roof overlooking the city), it still give me hope. Johnny is coming back up here this week, so I think we will go out on Thursday. We have talked on the phone a few times and texted back and forth, so I am looking forward to it.

I've recently started at a new karate school. The instructor is really cute. Not hot, but he has that little boy charm. Maybe because he's probably 18?

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

I'm taking a week off

This week is shaping up to be excellent. Do I have a bunch of hot dates planned? Yes, with Michael Phelps and the rest of the US Olympic Team! Really, what date is better than being at home in my pjs, watching swimmers with god-like bodies walking around and warming up for their swims? No dates scheduled this week, and I am very happy about that...I really needed a break.

Remember my last post where I was a bit under the weather? After emailing with Doogie, he reminded me that I only had 4 drinks. Four. Over six hours or so. No way I was barfing because of that. I am definitely chalking it up to a combination of bad sushi and going off of a certain pill that is no longer necessary given my relationship status. Apparently people can be barfy for up to a few weeks because of that. Good to know.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Thursday night shenanigans

Early last week I got an email from a friend of a friend who was coming to my area for the weekend. I'll call him Doogie (he looks just like Neil Patrick Harris). I had never met the guy, but he and two of his friends were looking for advice as to where to go in town. I gave a list, after which he invited me to hang out with them. I had no plans, so I told them I would. Thursday rolls around and I wasn't feeling too hot, thinking it was because I was out late the night before with Johnny. I decided I would still go out, but only for a couple of hours. To make a long story short, six hours and an estimated equal number of drinks later, I'm really not feeling too great. Throughout the night, Doogie and I had been getting sort of friendly (minds out of the gutter, it was all very PG). So here's the gross part, and I apologize in advance to those of you with weak stomachs. We're sitting outside. I barf. He still wants to make out. As in right after. Sooooo gross. But I did get to hear such nice things as "are you sure you don't want me to come back to your place" (um, yeah) and "I'd really like to know what it's like to wake up in the morning with you next to me" (that's nice).

Fast forward to Friday morning. Once again, to make a long story short, I ended up having to puke in the bathroom. Twice. At work. I was leaving early because I was going out of town and co-workers were actually betting as to whether or not I'd have to use the facilities again before leaving (I didn't). I felt completely sick the rest of the day. Now, I've never EVER been sick the following day. I've felt crappy, but never actually been sick. Saturday, still felt like I was going to throw up all day. Sunday, still felt like I was going to throw up for most of the day. Then, I remembered an interesting detail. I was having some stomach issues Thursday morning, before the drinking extravaganza. Hmm, could it have been something I ate? Like maybe some sushi Wednesday night? I know the alcohol was a contributor, but I don't even think it's possible to have a 3 day hangover. Maybe my readers can tell me otherwise?

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Raw Fish and Pool Sticks

Last night was my first date with Johnny. He happened to be staying at a hotel right down the street from my house, which worked out well because the sushi place he picked was about a two minute drive. He was actually much cuter in person than in his pictures, not that he was bad looking in those, but I was pleasantly surprised. I've always said that sushi would be a bad first date food, and it turns out I was right. First of all, no one looks attractive shoving a giant piece of roll into their mouth...and it's not like you can opt for a smaller bite. Plus, it takes forever to get through a piece, which means you have to sit there and chew before you can continue the conversation. He seemed to enjoy asking me a question at the exact moment I would stick food in my mouth. We ended up staying there for a couple of hours. Right before we left the people at the table next door started talking to us. It was two older couples, who very quickly asked if it was our first date and if we had met on the internet. They then went on to say that we would have really cute kids. After dinner we went across the street to a bar to shoot some pool. I'm a pretty decent pool player, but for some reason my skills diminish with alcohol. At this point I had had a few glasses of wine and then was drinking lemon drops at the bar. We played 5 games, and I somehow managed to win 2 of those. We stayed there until almost midnight, which is way to late for me to be out on a school night...but it does explain why I feel so outstanding today...or like 10 lbs. of monkey poop in a 5 lbs. bag.

Oh a creepier note, today as I was walking into work I had a call on my cell from a restricted number. I answered because I assumed it was my grandma, who think it is necessary to block her number. Nope. I am a member of Mensa, and I have a profile on their website (which only members can view). It's just basic info, name, age, email, phone number, picture, etc. Some member was apparently using the Mensa directory as his own personal dating site. He said he had been to a few events and hadn't met anyone interesting, but that I look like I would be fun (what exactly does fun look like?). I was totally caught off guard. I told him I was just walking into work and he said he would call me back tonight. I told him to just email me instead (soooo easy to press delete). I could tell from his voice that he was older. And creepy. Yucky.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Creme d' le crap

A coworker and I have started a new blog. Rather than stories about dating, it will contain interesting emails or profiles we get from guys. Check it out:

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Fun Quotes

I came across a website with dating quotes, so I thought I'd share:

There are three possible parts to a date, of which at least two must be offered: entertainment, food, and affection. It is customary to begin a series of dates with a great deal of entertainment, a moderate amount of food, and the merest suggestion of affection. As the amount of affection increases, the entertainment can be reduced proportionately. When the affection IS the entertainment, we no longer call it dating. Under no circumstances can the food be omitted.

I've been dating since I was fifteen. I'm exhausted. Where is he?
-Charlotte York, Sex and the City

"If you want to say it with flowers, a single rose says, 'I'm cheap!'"
-Delta Burke

"Jagshemash! In U.S. of A., if you want to marry a girl, you cannot just go to her father and swap her for 15 gallons of pesticide. Here you have to do something called dating."
-Sacha Baron Cohen

"To attract men, I wear a perfume called 'New Car Interior'."
-Rita Rudner

Dating burnout

I think I'm burnt out on this whole dating's sort of like going on 3-4 job interviews a week for, what, 12 weeks now? I mean how many frogs will I have to kiss to find my prince (figure of speech, there's been none of that!). Do match makers still exist? I'm thinking an arranged marriage is the way to go....yes, I'm almost serious.

This week I'm going out with Johnny. I would say I'm excited about it, but I'm really not excited about dating in general right now. We are going to sushi, so I am looking forward to that :)

I was supposed to go out with Tex last Friday, but I had a bronchoscopy on Friday morning and wasn't feeling up to it. Well, I could have gone and been okay, I guess I just didn't feel like hanging out with him. I'm guessing we will go out some night this week.

Wow, this blog is so depressing! about a joke to lighten up the mood? Warning, it's a gross one:

Q: What's the most popular pick up line at the gay bar?
A: Can I push in your stool?
