Well, not really...more like "SpeedDatin' 15 minutes away." For the past month or so I've been getting these messages at my Facebook account from SpeedDate. The only time of SpeedDate I was aware of was the kind where you sit at a table with a guy for 10 minutes, a bell dings, and then the guys rotate, and you're on another 3-minute date. I actually did this once with some friends. When the night is over, you go home, log onto their website, and check off those guys with whom you feel you had a connection. If they checked you also, it's a match, and you're given their email address. I wasn't interested in any of the guys, but I did want to see who was interested in me...so I checked every single guy I had met. And there were a lot who had checked me, but of course, they could have been doing the same thing as I was doing.
Where was I...oh yeah, the new SpeedDate. So, I had been getting messages for a while and decided to check out their website. Basically, you are matched with someone else who is currently online, and then chat with them (instant message) for three minutes. If you have a webcam you can hook that up, so you can see each other face-to-face. One guy I matched with (and I use the term "match" loosely, I think they only look at age and location) had a webcam, but I do no...so I got to see his reactions as I typed. It was pretty cool, if not a little weird. Anyway, after three minutes your chat is cut off and you can decided whether he was a match; if he was (and he also chooses you as a match), he is added to your buddy list and you can continue chatting.
I think the concept of SpeedDate is pretty cool, since, assuming you both have a webcam, you actually get to see the other person in action before meeting up with them. We all know how a picture plus an email does not equal the actual person you end up meeting. I don't really think I'll use it for anything other than entertainment (it is really entertaining)...I am still on my dating hiatus, which might go on for a while longer, seeing how I'm busy every weekend in November AND moving AND Thanksgiving is thrown in there. Of course my December isn't looking much better....
Okay, back to the point. SpeedDate is pretty fun, especially if you get someone who has a camera when you don't...I guess that's my official review. The end.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
My perfect match?
About a month ago I was matched with a guy on E-Harmony. I'll call him Bob, for no reason other than I'm too lazy to think of something more creative. Bob lives in Colorado. We went through almost all of the steps; all that was left was for me to answer his open-ended questions. But I forgot to do that. Last night I get an email from E-Harmony, saying Bob has "nudged" me, which is basically his way of reminding me to answer his questions. So I do.
I decided to see if I could find him on Myspace. I put in all of the information I have (first name, age, and location) and do a search. And there he is. I look at his page and there is a link to an external website. I check it out....it's a site he set up last winter, organizing a ski trip to Tahoe. That alone is pretty cool, and seems exactly like something I would do. I investigate further...and there it is- the chart. That's right, he created a chart filled with all of the info, prices, price per person, etc. Very similar, in fact, to the spreadsheet I created last year to organize a family vacation. Anyone who knows me at all knows how much I love my excel, and if there is even a slight reason/excuse to make a spreadsheet, I will.
Of course, this could be a huge conflict...how would we decide who gets to plan stuff? What if we prefer different fonts and color coding schemes? Maybe this relationship is already doomed...
I decided to see if I could find him on Myspace. I put in all of the information I have (first name, age, and location) and do a search. And there he is. I look at his page and there is a link to an external website. I check it out....it's a site he set up last winter, organizing a ski trip to Tahoe. That alone is pretty cool, and seems exactly like something I would do. I investigate further...and there it is- the chart. That's right, he created a chart filled with all of the info, prices, price per person, etc. Very similar, in fact, to the spreadsheet I created last year to organize a family vacation. Anyone who knows me at all knows how much I love my excel, and if there is even a slight reason/excuse to make a spreadsheet, I will.
Of course, this could be a huge conflict...how would we decide who gets to plan stuff? What if we prefer different fonts and color coding schemes? Maybe this relationship is already doomed...
Monday, October 13, 2008
Confessions of an NFL Stalker
Some may say that I have a bit of a thing for NFL quarterback AJ Feeley. Never heard of him? Probably because he's a back-up quarterback for the Eagles. And by back-up, I mean he backs-up the person who backs-up the actual quarterback. That's right, he's a 3rd-stringer. I've had this little crush on AJ for five years now, and this is why:
Yesterday I went to the 49ers/Eagles game...it was a multi-tasking event, since I got to cheer on my 49ers and stare at AJ for 3.5 hours. In an effort to get a picture with him, we got to the game a couple of hours early. We immediately went down to the bleachers on the away-team side. And there he was. In all of his 6'4" glory. We stood and watched as he warmed up. Then, he started making his way into the tunnel to go to the locker room. I quickly walked over to that side of the bleachers.
There he was, not more than 10 feet away from me. We made eye contact. I knew this was it, I was going to get a picture with him. I was so focused that I failed to hear the security person-of-indeterminate-gender screaming at me. I wasn't actually doing anything wrong, and there were other people standing there, so I'm still not completely sure what was going on...but just as fast as my chance appeared, it went went away. Had I had 15 more seconds I would have gotten my picture...but I think 15 more seconds and I would have been escorted off the premises. We spent the rest of the game trying to figure out why exactly I was getting yelled at. Perhaps, just perhaps, it was because I was wearing a shirt that said this:
Maybe I had that look in my eyes that said "stalker" and she/he thought I was going to jump over the guard rail, onto the field, and do something entirely inappropriate? Me? Never...
There he was, not more than 10 feet away from me. We made eye contact. I knew this was it, I was going to get a picture with him. I was so focused that I failed to hear the security person-of-indeterminate-gender screaming at me. I wasn't actually doing anything wrong, and there were other people standing there, so I'm still not completely sure what was going on...but just as fast as my chance appeared, it went went away. Had I had 15 more seconds I would have gotten my picture...but I think 15 more seconds and I would have been escorted off the premises. We spent the rest of the game trying to figure out why exactly I was getting yelled at. Perhaps, just perhaps, it was because I was wearing a shirt that said this:

Wednesday, October 8, 2008
From a friend
Let me take a minute to tell you about blogger Padres Girl. PG and I went to junior high and high school together. She is a year older (ha!) and has a brother my age. I wouldn't say we were friends in school, but we definitely knew each other. We were in different social circles, and other than being in the junior high band together, probably didn't run into each other that much. Actually that's not true, because when your entire high school is only 800 people, you run into everyone. A lot. I'm sure we had a lot of classes together, although the only one I remember is English my sophomore year (Holocaust literature- how's that for depressing?). So we knew each other, but didn't really know each other (Oh yeah, and I also very briefly dated one of her brother's best friends, if that counts).
So I move to San Diego, not knowing she is there. Then, I move to my current location, and we start talking over myspace. Then we become blogging buddies. Turns out we've had a lot of relationship similarities, both dealing with retarded military men. And now, I'm even invited to her 20+10'th bday party in December. See? The internet made us friends...who said that technology isn't good for relationships? Not me!
We are now at the stage where she cares enough about me to make a voodoo doll of Dentist's quasi-gf (see her comment)! Apparently it's made of bubble wrap as to facilitate the snapping of body parts. Okay, so it's sort of demented and scary, but in a good, really funny way. And here is the finished product:
Thanks, PG!
So I move to San Diego, not knowing she is there. Then, I move to my current location, and we start talking over myspace. Then we become blogging buddies. Turns out we've had a lot of relationship similarities, both dealing with retarded military men. And now, I'm even invited to her 20+10'th bday party in December. See? The internet made us friends...who said that technology isn't good for relationships? Not me!
We are now at the stage where she cares enough about me to make a voodoo doll of Dentist's quasi-gf (see her comment)! Apparently it's made of bubble wrap as to facilitate the snapping of body parts. Okay, so it's sort of demented and scary, but in a good, really funny way. And here is the finished product:

Tuesday, October 7, 2008
The moment we've all been waiting for...
Just when I thought Dentist was never going to call...he did! Yep, this morning. We chatted for a few minutes about the continuing education he went to this past weekend, and he told me about a mishap involving leaving is laptop at security in Phoenix. Turns out he just flew back yesterday.
Here's the weird thing- I wasn't even nervous. Maybe I was just so relieved that he actually called that it was enough to calm me down...
Anyway, the pertinent part of the conversation went something like this...I asked him if he'd like to get together sometime outside of his office. He went on to say that he's actually seeing someone (not seriously though), but the ladies at his office don't know because he likes to keep it separate from work. And when S had commented about his being single, he knew where it was going but didn't really want to reveal his dating life to his office. He said he is very flattered that I asked, and will definitely call me if something changes. So, it was basically the nicest rejection ever. The weird thing though is he actually sounded completely sincere when he said it...so now let's all think bad wishes for his current relationship...haha, just kidding...sort of...
Here's the more important issue though...how are we all going to be entertained until I find someone else to obsess over?
Here's the weird thing- I wasn't even nervous. Maybe I was just so relieved that he actually called that it was enough to calm me down...
Anyway, the pertinent part of the conversation went something like this...I asked him if he'd like to get together sometime outside of his office. He went on to say that he's actually seeing someone (not seriously though), but the ladies at his office don't know because he likes to keep it separate from work. And when S had commented about his being single, he knew where it was going but didn't really want to reveal his dating life to his office. He said he is very flattered that I asked, and will definitely call me if something changes. So, it was basically the nicest rejection ever. The weird thing though is he actually sounded completely sincere when he said it...so now let's all think bad wishes for his current relationship...haha, just kidding...sort of...
Here's the more important issue though...how are we all going to be entertained until I find someone else to obsess over?
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Quasi-dating related updates
Anyone who knows me knows I love a bargain. I spend my Sunday mornings clipping coupons and comparing various sales in order to get the best use out of the coupon (today I bought $102 worth of groceries for $48...I know, I rock!). I think it's the math dork in me. Anyway, today I went to Dillard's. Dillard's has the best sales of any department store (similar to Macy's, but with clean racks and friendly salespeople). Well, today I found the best deal EVER. A pair of shoes, normally priced at $69.00, marked down to $17.50. But wait, there's more. The shoes were an additional 40% off, making the total price, including tax $11.11!
Yes, I realize this really has nothing to do with dating...but I will probably wear them on a date, so hopefully that counts. And now, the shoes (You can't really tell, but they are red patent leather on the front and a darker patent leather read on the back...oh, and Zack really likes them):
And no, the damn Dentist has not called. Hence the time-filling shopping. I also hit up Banana Republic and got some much needed black pants for 40% off (all pants are 40% off there right now, FYI) and a magenta/hot pink sweater for like $25...cuter than I can make it sound...
In other non-dating related news, tomorrow is the dreaded day that I have to start a real diet. It will be almost exactly one month until I'm in a wedding, and in an effort to make the dress fit better (it fits, but I'd like to be able to breathe while wearing itwhile not having to duct tape my boobs down), I have to say goodbye yummy food, hello boring crap.
Since I'm suddenly remember all of these non-dating related things to post, I'm just gonna list them. I had my first belt test in karate yesterday; I am now a yellow belt. The test was me and maybe 6-7 other people. The hot instructor was trying to make a point about how you need to be efficient with your moves, since you need to get as much power at that second as possible and you're not suddenly going to grow stronger. To illustrate the point, he asked a guy who was testing how much he weighs. The guy answered. Then he looks at me and asks me the same question. I answered the question with a shocked, annoyed look on my face (yes, there was a point to him asking, but couldn't he have asked some other guy?) Oh, yeah, he's only 22...that explains it. Didn't his mother teach him the rules?
Finally, I think I found a place to live! Yay! It's not in the part of town I wanted, and my commute will now increase from 2 miles to 7 miles. But, it's right next to a big shopping center that's going in, which will have a bunch of restuarants and a country bar with a mechanical bull! Yes, I will be within walking distance of a mechanical bull! It's as if the apartments were built with me in mind. Hmm, maybe I should get the 2 BR since I know all of my out of town friends are going to want to visit me all the time. I haven't signed anything yet, because there's a waiting list, so let's all cross our fingers!
Oh, wait, one more thing...I just bought the extended version of Sex and the City and am getting ready to watch it. Am I the only person who can never remember if it's "Sex in the City" or "Sex and the City"? After watching it all those years, I just had to look at the DVD cover to check. Odd.
Yes, I realize this really has nothing to do with dating...but I will probably wear them on a date, so hopefully that counts. And now, the shoes (You can't really tell, but they are red patent leather on the front and a darker patent leather read on the back...oh, and Zack really likes them):
In other non-dating related news, tomorrow is the dreaded day that I have to start a real diet. It will be almost exactly one month until I'm in a wedding, and in an effort to make the dress fit better (it fits, but I'd like to be able to breathe while wearing itwhile not having to duct tape my boobs down), I have to say goodbye yummy food, hello boring crap.
Since I'm suddenly remember all of these non-dating related things to post, I'm just gonna list them. I had my first belt test in karate yesterday; I am now a yellow belt. The test was me and maybe 6-7 other people. The hot instructor was trying to make a point about how you need to be efficient with your moves, since you need to get as much power at that second as possible and you're not suddenly going to grow stronger. To illustrate the point, he asked a guy who was testing how much he weighs. The guy answered. Then he looks at me and asks me the same question. I answered the question with a shocked, annoyed look on my face (yes, there was a point to him asking, but couldn't he have asked some other guy?) Oh, yeah, he's only 22...that explains it. Didn't his mother teach him the rules?
Finally, I think I found a place to live! Yay! It's not in the part of town I wanted, and my commute will now increase from 2 miles to 7 miles. But, it's right next to a big shopping center that's going in, which will have a bunch of restuarants and a country bar with a mechanical bull! Yes, I will be within walking distance of a mechanical bull! It's as if the apartments were built with me in mind. Hmm, maybe I should get the 2 BR since I know all of my out of town friends are going to want to visit me all the time. I haven't signed anything yet, because there's a waiting list, so let's all cross our fingers!
Oh, wait, one more thing...I just bought the extended version of Sex and the City and am getting ready to watch it. Am I the only person who can never remember if it's "Sex in the City" or "Sex and the City"? After watching it all those years, I just had to look at the DVD cover to check. Odd.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Because I know there are people waiting for an update on the Dentist situation (Yes, I am also shocked that my life provides excitement/drama for some people), just a quick note to say that he has not called. Boo.
On a happy (or depressing, depends on how you look at it) note, it's 10:14pm on a Saturday and I'm going to bed. And I'm really excited about it. Does it make me more or less lame that I'm going to first watch Sleepless in Seattle on tv before actually going to sleep? Hmm...
On a happy (or depressing, depends on how you look at it) note, it's 10:14pm on a Saturday and I'm going to bed. And I'm really excited about it. Does it make me more or less lame that I'm going to first watch Sleepless in Seattle on tv before actually going to sleep? Hmm...
Friday, October 3, 2008
I got a call...
...at 8:15, on my work phone. The number came up, and I recognized it. I knew it was his office. I quickly shut my office door. Sweat started to accumulate on my forehead, and my blood pressure was suddenly about 200/150. But I was going to do it...I was going to answer the phone. And I did.
Quasi-false alarm (by the way, I love the word "quasi"). It was the receptionist at Dentist's office. As soon as I heard her voice I was certain she was going to tell me that Dentist would prefer if I went back to my old dentist. You know, because he doesn't date patients, or he's married, or gay, or creeped out by patients who want to date him. Instead, she gave me this long explanation as to why he hadn't called me back yet. It turns out that he had to quickly leave his office after work to catch a flight so he could attend some continuing education out of town. She hadn't had time to physically hand him the message. I figured this meant I wouldn't be hearing from him until next week. Nope; she called his cell phone to give him my message, so I'm guessing he has a voicemail, from Receptionist, about my message.
Either this dental office has the best service ever (I mean, have you ever gotten a call to tell you why the dentist/doctor/whatever didn't call you?), or Receptionist knows what's up and is on my side.
At least I know the ball is in his court....all I can do is sit here and wait; and check my phone every 3 seconds to make sure I have reception.
Quasi-false alarm (by the way, I love the word "quasi"). It was the receptionist at Dentist's office. As soon as I heard her voice I was certain she was going to tell me that Dentist would prefer if I went back to my old dentist. You know, because he doesn't date patients, or he's married, or gay, or creeped out by patients who want to date him. Instead, she gave me this long explanation as to why he hadn't called me back yet. It turns out that he had to quickly leave his office after work to catch a flight so he could attend some continuing education out of town. She hadn't had time to physically hand him the message. I figured this meant I wouldn't be hearing from him until next week. Nope; she called his cell phone to give him my message, so I'm guessing he has a voicemail, from Receptionist, about my message.
Either this dental office has the best service ever (I mean, have you ever gotten a call to tell you why the dentist/doctor/whatever didn't call you?), or Receptionist knows what's up and is on my side.
At least I know the ball is in his court....all I can do is sit here and wait; and check my phone every 3 seconds to make sure I have reception.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
So, I did it...
Disclaimer- I just went out with S for a few glasses of wine, so I want to apologize for any incoherence or misspellings.
This afternoon, around 3pm, I did it. I called Dentist's office. I had the dialogue all planned out in my head: I would call and say I needed to leave a message. The receptionist would ask the nature of the message, and I would simply say "personal." The problem with pre-planning dialogues is that they NEVER go as planned. Ever. Instead, the call went something like this:
Receptionist: "Thank you for calling Dentist's office, how may I help you."
Me: "Um, hi, I'd like to leave a message for Dentist."
Receptionist: "Okay, with whom am I speaking?"
Me: "This is Hope girl."
Receptionist: "OOooohh, Hope, how arrrree you?"
Me: "Great."
Receptionist: "And what message would you like me to pass on?"
Me: Wait, this is not how I rehearsed it...uh oh..."Um, just to have him call me." (When you read this, make sure you have your voice getting higher towards the end of the sentence, like you're asking a question."
Receptionist: "Okay, I'll pass that on. Have a good day, Hope!" (When you read this, imagine her laughing for the second half. Yes, laughing.)
Me: ::barfing::
Okay, so I did it. I left out the part of the conversation where she told me he was in a procedure and he wouldn't be able to call me back until late that afternoon.
It's now 7:30pm. He didn't call. In the words of Nancy Kerrigan, "wwwwhhhhyyyy?" And this, even after I said a prayer at TGIFriday's with S, asking God (if he wasn't too busy with more important things, like world peace and the stock market) to make Dentist call me. The waitress probably thought we were crazy, since every couple of minutes we would would both stare at my phone and tap at it, as if we were making sure it was still breathing.
I'm now going to spend the evening watching 90210, The Office, and Gray's Anatomy...surely that's enough to keep my mind of of Dentist.
I hate boys.
This afternoon, around 3pm, I did it. I called Dentist's office. I had the dialogue all planned out in my head: I would call and say I needed to leave a message. The receptionist would ask the nature of the message, and I would simply say "personal." The problem with pre-planning dialogues is that they NEVER go as planned. Ever. Instead, the call went something like this:
Receptionist: "Thank you for calling Dentist's office, how may I help you."
Me: "Um, hi, I'd like to leave a message for Dentist."
Receptionist: "Okay, with whom am I speaking?"
Me: "This is Hope girl."
Receptionist: "OOooohh, Hope, how arrrree you?"
Me: "Great."
Receptionist: "And what message would you like me to pass on?"
Me: Wait, this is not how I rehearsed it...uh oh..."Um, just to have him call me." (When you read this, make sure you have your voice getting higher towards the end of the sentence, like you're asking a question."
Receptionist: "Okay, I'll pass that on. Have a good day, Hope!" (When you read this, imagine her laughing for the second half. Yes, laughing.)
Me: ::barfing::
Okay, so I did it. I left out the part of the conversation where she told me he was in a procedure and he wouldn't be able to call me back until late that afternoon.
It's now 7:30pm. He didn't call. In the words of Nancy Kerrigan, "wwwwhhhhyyyy?" And this, even after I said a prayer at TGIFriday's with S, asking God (if he wasn't too busy with more important things, like world peace and the stock market) to make Dentist call me. The waitress probably thought we were crazy, since every couple of minutes we would would both stare at my phone and tap at it, as if we were making sure it was still breathing.
I'm now going to spend the evening watching 90210, The Office, and Gray's Anatomy...surely that's enough to keep my mind of of Dentist.
I hate boys.
I'm going to do it...
After consulting with several people, I've decided to bite the bullet, sack up, and do it...I'm going to ask out Dentist.
The last time I asked a guy out was in 2003. It was a guy who was in grad school with me. He was hot. I'll call him Hottie. Now, Hopeful for Hope had heard me talk about Hottie for, I don't know, six months or so. So, for Christmas, what did she get me? A gift card to the movies and Chili's, for two, with the stipulation that I had to ask Hottie to go with me. Gulp. I think it must have been March before I got up the nerves to ask him. And it was horrible. I was soooo nervous. The conversation went something like this:
Me: "Um, uh, um."
Hottie: "Yes?"
Me: "Um, well, uh, my friend, uh, gave me a thing, I mean a gift card, for Christmas."
Hottie: "Okay?"
Me: "And, um, well, I haven't used it yet."
Hottie: ::blank stare::
Me: "Oh, and it's, um, for Chili's."
Hottie: ::blank stare::
Me: "And, um, I was wondering, if um, maybe you wanted to grab dinner with me."
(No, I didn't mention the movie, that was just too much.)
Hottie: "Sure."
Me: ::throws up::
Okay, I really didn't throw up, but I could have. Easily. Anyway, we did go to dinner, and it was fun, but we never ended up dating or anything.
But, I think this is a great illustration of the magnitude of what I'm going to do. So, tomorrow, at some predetermined time, I'm going to call Dentist's office. I'm going to leave a message for him to call me back. And, when/if he does, I'm going to ask if he would like to meet up for drinks or something. That's right, at age 28, I'm growing (metaphorical) balls. Whew. And I'm sticking this on my blog now so that I am forced to actually go through with it. ::throws up::
Oh, and before I hear all of you calling me a wimp, sissy, whatever, I would like to ask all of you girls out there: how many guys have you asked out? I'm guessing not very many...
The last time I asked a guy out was in 2003. It was a guy who was in grad school with me. He was hot. I'll call him Hottie. Now, Hopeful for Hope had heard me talk about Hottie for, I don't know, six months or so. So, for Christmas, what did she get me? A gift card to the movies and Chili's, for two, with the stipulation that I had to ask Hottie to go with me. Gulp. I think it must have been March before I got up the nerves to ask him. And it was horrible. I was soooo nervous. The conversation went something like this:
Me: "Um, uh, um."
Hottie: "Yes?"
Me: "Um, well, uh, my friend, uh, gave me a thing, I mean a gift card, for Christmas."
Hottie: "Okay?"
Me: "And, um, well, I haven't used it yet."
Hottie: ::blank stare::
Me: "Oh, and it's, um, for Chili's."
Hottie: ::blank stare::
Me: "And, um, I was wondering, if um, maybe you wanted to grab dinner with me."
(No, I didn't mention the movie, that was just too much.)
Hottie: "Sure."
Me: ::throws up::
Okay, I really didn't throw up, but I could have. Easily. Anyway, we did go to dinner, and it was fun, but we never ended up dating or anything.
But, I think this is a great illustration of the magnitude of what I'm going to do. So, tomorrow, at some predetermined time, I'm going to call Dentist's office. I'm going to leave a message for him to call me back. And, when/if he does, I'm going to ask if he would like to meet up for drinks or something. That's right, at age 28, I'm growing (metaphorical) balls. Whew. And I'm sticking this on my blog now so that I am forced to actually go through with it. ::throws up::
Oh, and before I hear all of you calling me a wimp, sissy, whatever, I would like to ask all of you girls out there: how many guys have you asked out? I'm guessing not very many...
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Reasons to see the dentist?
I've been thinking about getting Invisalign ever since it came out. It wasn't until the past couple years or so, when the dentist told me I need braces, that I actually thought I needed braces. Of course I didn't believe that dentist, so I saw another. Then an orthodontist. Then another orthodontist (anyone who knows me knows I am a very thorough researcher). Fast forward to last winter. I'm driving home from work, look in my mirror, and notice a chip in my front lower tooth. This happens to be the exact reason I was told I needed braces; my top teeth slant in and hit the bottom teeth, potentially causing damage. Anyway, with my new job came great insurance, including orthodontic insurance for adults (say it with me, "wow!"). I ruled out getting traditional braces mainly because I'm over the age of 12...plus it could cause "complications" if I ever manage to wrangle in a boyfriend (ahem)...so, I have gone to every Invisalign provider in my town (there are 6-7 in my area, and they all have very different prices, so of course I had to get a consultation from each one).
Two weeks ago I went to my final consultation. At this point I was pretty sick of dentists. Until I actually saw this dentist. I wouldn't say he was hot, I mean, he is a dentist after all. But he was cute, in that I-know-you-were-totally-dorky-in-high-school-but-now-are-cute-and-people-call-you-doctor sort of way. (Side note: the great thing about having a crush on your dentist is you can freely stare into his eyes while he's doing his thing...those lovely blue eyes.) I glanced at his degrees hanging on the wall: "The University of Blah Blah presents this dental degree on this day in the year 2005." Quick math follows...okay, 2005, 4 years of dental school, graduated from college in 2001, high school in 1997...Holy Crap, he's only a year younger than I am!
Now, this wasn't a freaked-out thing, like having a doctor who is fresh off the med school boat or something. As a matter of fact, blog reader Hopeful for Hope's brother is a dentist, and of the same age. And he is a great dentist. No, what was going through my mind was "Score, I totally want to date my dentist." The problem? I knew nothing about him. And unfortunately, the appointment was very short. But he did recommend I come back to get my chipped tooth fixed before we start the Invisalign process. Happily and excitedly, I made an appointment.
The appointment was yesterday. I made it my goal to get as much info about Dentist as I could, without freaking him out. However, I just couldn't find a way to bring up what I wanted to know the most, was he single. I skimmed the pamphlet in his office, as well as his website, hoping to find some mention of a spouse. You know, like "Dentist enjoys biking and skiing in his spare time, and spending time with his lovely wife, Dentista." Nope, only the biking and skiing were mentioned. By the end of the appointment I had learned where he went to school (which, interestingly enough, was across the country in the city I had vacationed in the prior weekend), where he grew up, and why he was currently living in the area. But nothing more.
I return to work, disappointed I couldn't find out more information. I went into the Hen House, the large corner office/room that houses two of my work friends. I told them what happened, then jokingly (sort of) mention to S that she should go get a consultation as well (yes, she actually was interested in Invisalign), and while she's at it, find out if Dentist is single. Now, let me pause to say S has the biggest (metaphorical) balls of any girl I know. You can dare her to do anything and she will...she's very handy when wanting to talk to boys. And if you know me, you know talking to boys is ridiculously difficult for me. And no, I don't know why.
A few minutes later I get a Skype message from S: "Made an appointment for tomorrow at 2:30." Holy Poop on a Stick, she's going to do it. So, today at 4:15, I get the info on what went down...and it goes something like this:
S, to the receptionist: "Hi, I'm S, I have a 2:30 appointment."
Receptionist: "Great, nice to meet you, please sign in."
S: "Wonderful, thank you. Oh, is Dentist single?"
Receptionist: "Why yes he is."
S, to Dentist (immediately upon meeting him): "So Dentist, I hear you're single."
Dentist: "Yes I am."
(He examines her teeth.)
S: "Good because my friend thinks you're hot."
Dentist: "Is that why you made the appointment? Because your teeth are great."
The good news is S actually did make a follow-up appointment to go through with the Invisalign, so it's not like we were officially wasting his time. And, while she didn't say my name, she did have me down as her referral, so I'm guessing that someone with a dental degree could put two and two together. You can imagine my surprise when my cell rang at 5:23 this evening. "Could this be Dentist calling? No, I'm not lucky enough for that."
Me: "Hello?"
Lady caller: "Hi, this is receptionist from Dentist's office."
Me: --------silence for a few seconds-------
Me: "Really? I mean, um, hi!"
Lady: "Your friend, S, was in here today, and for some reason we didn't get her work number. Do you know it?"
Me: "Actually I don't even know my work number...but the main office number is (me pulling out a business card) 123-456-7890."
Lady: "Great, thanks. We'll see you in here at your next appointment."
Me: "K bye."
Okay, why didn't they call HER on her cell to get her work number? Odd. Anyway...
The problem is my next appointment isn't until December 12....since I want to use next year's flexible spending account to pay for my Invisalign, thus saving me like 25% in taxes. I asked blogger Jaimi to punch me in the mouth, as to loosen a tooth and require an emergency appointment, but that may be a tad bit too much (although she kindly agreed to do so). S has her next appointment on October 12, so I suppose I could have her do something (like give him my card with my cell written on it)...but I just don't know. I also don't know if dentists have the same rule as doctors where they can't date patients. All I know is this guy is single, cute, my age, and seems to have a great personality (and not even in a "for a dentist" sort of way). Oh, and I also know I can't be too big of an idiot, since I am going with him for the Invisalign for sure.
I'm going to put this out to my readers...anyone have any ideas? Reasons to see the dentist? Ways to get in contact without making a total @$$ out of myself?
Two weeks ago I went to my final consultation. At this point I was pretty sick of dentists. Until I actually saw this dentist. I wouldn't say he was hot, I mean, he is a dentist after all. But he was cute, in that I-know-you-were-totally-dorky-in-high-school-but-now-are-cute-and-people-call-you-doctor sort of way. (Side note: the great thing about having a crush on your dentist is you can freely stare into his eyes while he's doing his thing...those lovely blue eyes.) I glanced at his degrees hanging on the wall: "The University of Blah Blah presents this dental degree on this day in the year 2005." Quick math follows...okay, 2005, 4 years of dental school, graduated from college in 2001, high school in 1997...Holy Crap, he's only a year younger than I am!
Now, this wasn't a freaked-out thing, like having a doctor who is fresh off the med school boat or something. As a matter of fact, blog reader Hopeful for Hope's brother is a dentist, and of the same age. And he is a great dentist. No, what was going through my mind was "Score, I totally want to date my dentist." The problem? I knew nothing about him. And unfortunately, the appointment was very short. But he did recommend I come back to get my chipped tooth fixed before we start the Invisalign process. Happily and excitedly, I made an appointment.
The appointment was yesterday. I made it my goal to get as much info about Dentist as I could, without freaking him out. However, I just couldn't find a way to bring up what I wanted to know the most, was he single. I skimmed the pamphlet in his office, as well as his website, hoping to find some mention of a spouse. You know, like "Dentist enjoys biking and skiing in his spare time, and spending time with his lovely wife, Dentista." Nope, only the biking and skiing were mentioned. By the end of the appointment I had learned where he went to school (which, interestingly enough, was across the country in the city I had vacationed in the prior weekend), where he grew up, and why he was currently living in the area. But nothing more.
I return to work, disappointed I couldn't find out more information. I went into the Hen House, the large corner office/room that houses two of my work friends. I told them what happened, then jokingly (sort of) mention to S that she should go get a consultation as well (yes, she actually was interested in Invisalign), and while she's at it, find out if Dentist is single. Now, let me pause to say S has the biggest (metaphorical) balls of any girl I know. You can dare her to do anything and she will...she's very handy when wanting to talk to boys. And if you know me, you know talking to boys is ridiculously difficult for me. And no, I don't know why.
A few minutes later I get a Skype message from S: "Made an appointment for tomorrow at 2:30." Holy Poop on a Stick, she's going to do it. So, today at 4:15, I get the info on what went down...and it goes something like this:
S, to the receptionist: "Hi, I'm S, I have a 2:30 appointment."
Receptionist: "Great, nice to meet you, please sign in."
S: "Wonderful, thank you. Oh, is Dentist single?"
Receptionist: "Why yes he is."
S, to Dentist (immediately upon meeting him): "So Dentist, I hear you're single."
Dentist: "Yes I am."
(He examines her teeth.)
S: "Good because my friend thinks you're hot."
Dentist: "Is that why you made the appointment? Because your teeth are great."
The good news is S actually did make a follow-up appointment to go through with the Invisalign, so it's not like we were officially wasting his time. And, while she didn't say my name, she did have me down as her referral, so I'm guessing that someone with a dental degree could put two and two together. You can imagine my surprise when my cell rang at 5:23 this evening. "Could this be Dentist calling? No, I'm not lucky enough for that."
Me: "Hello?"
Lady caller: "Hi, this is receptionist from Dentist's office."
Me: --------silence for a few seconds-------
Me: "Really? I mean, um, hi!"
Lady: "Your friend, S, was in here today, and for some reason we didn't get her work number. Do you know it?"
Me: "Actually I don't even know my work number...but the main office number is (me pulling out a business card) 123-456-7890."
Lady: "Great, thanks. We'll see you in here at your next appointment."
Me: "K bye."
Okay, why didn't they call HER on her cell to get her work number? Odd. Anyway...
The problem is my next appointment isn't until December 12....since I want to use next year's flexible spending account to pay for my Invisalign, thus saving me like 25% in taxes. I asked blogger Jaimi to punch me in the mouth, as to loosen a tooth and require an emergency appointment, but that may be a tad bit too much (although she kindly agreed to do so). S has her next appointment on October 12, so I suppose I could have her do something (like give him my card with my cell written on it)...but I just don't know. I also don't know if dentists have the same rule as doctors where they can't date patients. All I know is this guy is single, cute, my age, and seems to have a great personality (and not even in a "for a dentist" sort of way). Oh, and I also know I can't be too big of an idiot, since I am going with him for the Invisalign for sure.
I'm going to put this out to my readers...anyone have any ideas? Reasons to see the dentist? Ways to get in contact without making a total @$$ out of myself?
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