Saturday, July 26, 2008

The good, the bad, and the ugly.

I apologize for being a little late on updating this...since I know that soooo many of you are waiting anxiously to hear how my dates have gone :)

The Good
Tonight I had my second date (although I'm not sure you could call the first meeting a date) with Golf. He worked until 5 and had a work thing he was supposed to go to at 7, so we decided to just meet up for a glass of wine. Work ran late and we didn't meet until 7 or so. He seems like a rally cool guy. Not sure how much of a long-term type person he is, but I am definitely interested in hanging out with him some more. We ended up staying at the restaurant until about 9:45. He checked the time on his phone once and his boss had called him three times. The work thing he was supposed to be at was a barbecue, so he said it was fine if he was late. Anyway, the night went really well. He is very easy to talk to and we actually have a lot in common. We haven't made any more plans, but talked about getting together again. It's hard with his schedule since he has to work weekends and during the summer only has one day off per week.

The Bad
Thursday night was my date with Flight. He lives about an hour away, so I offered to meet him in the middle. The town where we met is a very interesting place. And by interesting, I mean gross...lots of mullets and beer bellies. And probably meth. I ended up being fairly late (which I hate) because I missed the last exit in town, and the next chance to turn around is 15 miles away. Luckily the speed limit was 75 so I could go a little faster, but I was still over 20 minutes late. I did call and tell him as soon as I passed the exit, but I felt like an idiot. The date started off fine, just talking and catching up since it had been a month or so since our first date. It actually went pretty well until about half way through dinner when he brought up politics. Now, he describes himself as a conservative, so I figured it would be more of a friendly conversation. Nope. Turns out he isn't as conservative as he thought, and by the end of the heated debate discussion, he told me that I have convinced him that he is actually a democrat. Ooops. Don't get me wrong, I'm totally up for a good debate, but not for almost an hour, and not on a date. By the end of it I was just sort of irritated and ready to leave. Will I hang out with him again? Yeah, if he asks, but I'm honestly not sure he will.

The Ugly
I am prefacing this email by saying what I am about to tell you is 100% true. Last night I got home and checked my myspace. I saw a message from a random person (with no picture). The subject was this:

"Wow. Want 500 cash?"

I was thinking it was some money making scheme. I was so wrong. I opened the message and this is what it said:


That's right, I have officially been solicited. Happy days are here again.

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