Tuesday, July 22, 2008

It's been a while...

...since I've had a retard post...but the match boys have pulled through and managed to provide us with some entertainment. Here is the email I just received:

"pretty girl. my friends and I will be in your area in two weekends. you should join us. your friends should join us too. we'll cook. you'll drink and smell good."

My response?

"Sure, I'd love to...most of my friends are guys though, would you like them to smell good as well?"

The saddest part is that he will probably find some skanky friendly girls to take him up on that offer. Oh well.

Tonight I finally met up with Golf. Did I mention he's 6'2? Oh, he is. He gave me such a good golf lesson that I was sort of confused as to whether it was a date or a golf lesson (on a side note, he was very impressed with my skills...raw talent, what can I say). Afterwards we talked for a while by our cars. We talked about meeting up for a real game of golf sometime. As I drove away, I was trying to figure out exactly what was going on, if he was really just a nice guy giving a golf lesson, or if he might be interested in something more. I texted him when I got home to thank him again...he wrote back and suggest we meet up for drinks sometime. Yay! So, looks like we are meeting on Saturday evening. He totally isn't my type, which is sort of what makes it so fun...don't get me wrong, he's super cute, but not what I generally go for. If you met him on the street you would think he was a guitar player in a punk band. I know, hot! I know certain loyal readers of this blog will appreciate that...


PadresGirl said...

OK, he sounds hot. If you discard him, please send him to San Diego.

PadresGirl said...

By the way, I meant Golf sounded hot, not the retard twins (or triplets?)