Last night I went to the movies with Slot. He had emailed me last week and asked if I wanted to "hang out" again. I didn't really want to do anything that would require a ton of conversation, so we went to see Step Brothers (which was pretty funny, with bits of disgusting stuff, as you would imagine with a Will Ferrell movie). There's just something about this guy that bugs me. He has this attitude that he is God's gift to women...which he most definitely is not. He owns a house and has a good job, and I think those accomplishments just brought him to a new level of cockiness. If he were super hot, I could sort of understand the attitude, but he's just not cute enough to pull it off (and no, I'm not saying being hot is an excuse, but it does make it slightly more understandable). Will I hang out with him again? I don't know, it will probably depend on whether or not I have something better to do. Wow, that sound harsh...such is the world of dating.
I think on Friday I am actually going out to dinner with Tex, so that's exciting. Next week I'm having sushi with a guy who lives out of town, but comes up here fairly regularly for business. And what do you know, he's also in pharmaceutical sales. What do I name him? Pharm 2? That will get way too confusing. Oh, got it....his name is Johnny (yes, an actual name), because the place where he lives is referenced in a Johnny Cash song. I am stretching that one...
A Bloomin' Burger and Coldstones? How are your arteries feeling?
Well, luckily my cholesterol levels are naturally low, so I'm good :) Oh, and I only ate half the burger and didn't finish the ice cream either.
If you're not into him, it's not harsh. Worse to lead him on, I think.
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