Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Let's play doctor!

My third IJL match with Doc (the doctor) went well. He was a little late (seriously, what is it with people and lack of punctuality these days?), but actually had a reason for it...darn patients. He was good looking and looked younger than the 37 he is. Blond hair, blue eyes, all-American boy. He was very nice, well mannered, and intelligent. We were able to talk pretty easily. I felt pretty comfortable with him, as much as I can on a first date. The meeting was just supposed to be drinks, but we both ordered dinner as well. He was a little hesitant, or maybe reserved is a better word, but he also had a cold and said he wasn't feeling well, so that probably explains it. We exchanged numbers, and then he walked me to my car. Yes, he actually walked me to my car! He might be the first guy to do that. I texted him later on to say I enjoyed meeting him, he responded with the same, and asked if I made it home okay. That's right folks, we've got one with manners! Maybe it's because he's from Texas...

I would also like to take this opportunity to give my detective skills a gold star. Based on his (common) first name and specialty, I had actually figured out his last name and managed to find a picture of him, before the date. And sure enough, it was him. Yay me!

Tonight I am meeting up with Badge. It turns out that blogger J had a class with him in college, which means we already have three mutual acquaintances. Small world!


Jaimi said...

Manners is good! We like manners.

I have high hopes for Badge. He was seriously cute when I knew him. Classroom eye candy, for sure.

Ed said...

I'm pretty sure it's a Texas thing. We were raised properly ;-)

PadresGirl said...

Hooray for manners AND eye candy!