You know that expression "when it rains, it pours"? Sooo true. I have four dates this week, and since I am fully booked, am now planning stuff for next week. Yes, I'm serious. This next one is sort of an interesting story.
Flashback ten years, I am a freshman at a major university. I take a generic political science
class. I show up to my first section and have this really cute TA, I'll call him TA. He's not cute in the normal sense, like he's not model cute, but there was just something about him. He also almost always looked like he had rolled out of bed 10 minutes before, grabbed a shirt from the bottom of his closet, and showed up for class. Your typical TA for my school, actually.
Fast forward to Saturday...I'm online, scoping out my matches on, and I get an IM. I look at the guy's profile, and notice a shirt he's wearing that says "My school name, political science." Hmm, what a coincidence. So I look closer and realize it is the TA! I ask him his last name, and sure enough it's him. Very random that 1) he is moving from across the country to my city, and 2) I remember him.
We've been emailing back and forth, and it looks like we are meeting up next week....since I'm obviously booked for this week :)
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