"I never take match seriously or people on it. I just wanted to try it out as another source of meeting someone who isn’t a party girl or drunk…lol someone normal. I don’t have any expectations on it at all."
So I was pretty much just assuming this guy was not interested, but since he seems intelligent and somewhat engaging, I figured I might as well continue with our little email conversations. That is, until earlier this week, when he made another comment similar to the one above. Okay, I can take a hint...so I decided not to email him back. Well, two days later I get this an email from him, saying good morning and wishing me a good day. So today I emailed him with a a hot stock tip, we start discussing weekend plans, he says he has lots going on, and I say I am going to be out of town (which I am). So I just got the following email from him:
"Have a wonderful trip and a nice weekend. Let me know how it was when you get back :) "
Now, I assume if this guy were interested he would have suggested meeting by now, but he hasn't even hinted at anything like that. I was 100% ready to just close this case, but then he'll email me something like that. Is this weird? Any people who are not dating-retarded care to shed some light on the situation? I barely know him so there's no attachment, I would just like some clarification. Is this a classic example of "He's Just Not that Into You?"
So this guy, is obviously semi-interested in you:
1. He keeps emailing you
2. he tried to play-off his use of match to not seem desperate
3. He's keeping the emails short - again to not seem committed, but he's still writing them, implying some sort of bond
4. He obviously wants to stay in touch or else he wouldnt have asked you to let him know how your weekend was
5. He's trying to play it cool, but not realizing that just because he's trying to 'act casual' about being on match, that doesn't meant that others are
6. I'd bet that if you didn't email him for a couple of days, he'd send you an email like "haven't heard from you"
What that guy (or girl?) said, plus:
7. Suggest meeting him in person.
If he's new to the online thing, he may not know what the timeframe is for suggesting that, and doesn't want to scare you off by moving too fast. (Or he could be lame like one of my former eharmony matches and just want an email buddy).
Bottom line, if you're interested (or at least looking for someone to buy you coffee/drink/dinner/whatever), it's ok for you to make the first move.
From someone who's only mildly dating-retarded. :-)
Guys are retarded. They think we play games but they play WAY more!
Have you seen this?
I say you call him out on his one-liners and dare him to be a real man and ask you out.
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