Over the course of the evening I was also in contact with Atlanta...he was working late and we were emailing/texting back and forth. He ended up calling me a little after 7 and we talked for 15 minutes or so. And of course, while thoroughly enjoying my conversation with him (and his cute little southern accent), I get an IM from Gandhi. I tell Gandhi to hold while I finish my conversation with Atlanta (not that I rushed, I just made Gandhi wait a long time). Atlanta asks me if I want to get together this weekend, I say I can't, but that I'm available next week, so it looks like I'll have a date #2 with him. Yay!
So I hang up with Atlanta and start chatting with Gandhi. He asks if I am busy this weekend (Yes, I am) because there is some "party" he wants to take me to. I use the term "party" loosely here, since this is also the same guy who was surprised that I was okay with the type of humor in Knocked Up (Um, yeah, love it and own it). He then tells me he's disappointed in me (yes, he actually used that word) because his birthday was a couple days ago and I forgot. Stop laughing, I am totally serious. A guy who I have "known" know for about two weeks is disappointed because I forgot his birthday. How is it possible to disappoint someone you don't even know?

The good news is I now know that if I ignore him he will assume I'm not interested and leave me alone, so I'm seriously considering going that route. Or, should I give him a chance, just because everyone deserves a chance (ie one date)? Please leave comments with your opinion!
I say go on one date with him. Like you said, everyone deserves a chance...and if nothing else it's a free meal (hopefully better than cereal).
But do it only if you can fit it into your schedule. Don't go out of your way for this guy.
Don't go. He sounds crazy!
Don't waste your time. He can't even get his act together to figure out details for one date. Also, you haven't been interested in him from the start so what's the point? And he does sound crazy.
The fact that he is disappointed you didn't remember his birthday is disturbing. Have you ever even met in real life? Seriously, I wouldn't go but if you want the free meal you should go on a weekday lunch date that way it is time controlled. You have to go back to work:)
YES, you should go out with him. Don't judge him based on that small thing. I am sure he was just joking and that was his way of reminding you it was his birthday. Go out with him one time - you need to make sure you don't put all your eggs in Atlanta's basket. Its not healthy. And, remember, there are a lot worse traits than being too nice. On-line dating is a weird experience and he probably just doesnt know how to act. Wait and see how he is in real life. At least that way you will know for sure.
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