I have some updates from the e-harmony world. With e-harmony, you don't just get to start talking to people, there is this whole process to go through. There are four phases, the first is where you choose 5 multiple choice questions for them to answer, the second you send them a list of must haves/can't stands (you pick 10 of each from a huge list), the third is where you pick 3 questions and they have to actually write answers (mini-essay question), and the final stage is open communication, where you can basically email back and forth.
Tonight I have my date with Gandhi. Well, I am supposed to at least, he hasn't emailed me to tell me where we are going yet. I'm not really looking forward to it, just because he seems like too nice a guy and not necessarily my type. But I would obviously love for it to surprise me and be a great date, we'll see. Hopefully I won't spend the whole date wondering when/if Atlanta is going to call.
Hopefully he looks like Tom Cruise in that picture :)
Hmmm, not quite...but he's probably not as weird either...
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