Okay, time for a recap of my date with Slot. I was looking forward to this date for a couple of reasons, first, because after emailing back and forth for well over a month I was really ready to meet the guy, and second, to see if my issues of not liking any of the guys I have met is because of them or because of me. For example, Pharm is a great guy, very nice, and very attentive (understatement of the year there)...he has the same goals for the future as I have, and, on paper, is great. However, the thought of him making a move on me sort of grosses me out. After undergoing the psychological consultation of a friend from work, I decided that my date with Slot was the perfect opportunity to see if I am really ready to date.
We agreed to meet at a bar/pub waaay on the other side of town from where we both live. Not sure why, but that's what I get for letting him pick (I later found out it's because his friend is a bartender so sometimes he gets hooked up with drinks). I get there at exactly the time we were supposed to meet and send him a text, asking if he's there. Nope, but he's on the freeway. He finally shows up 15 minutes later. Now, I understand that stuff happens, but how about calling someone if you are going to be more than 5 minutes late? Common courtesy, folks. Anyway, he gets there and goes into the bar, while I am still sitting in my car. I actually thought I saw him walk in, but wasn't sure. About 2 minutes later I get a text from him, and I tell him I'll be right in. I go inside and he has already gotten himself a drink. We get a table, and not once does he ask me if I want something. The waitress comes around and I order myself a drink. The first thing I notice is that the pictures he had on match were definitely his good pictures. He is good looking, just not quite on the level I was expecting. We actually ended up talking for about two hours, which sort of shocked me. Overall he is a nice guy, and I would like to hang out with him, but I can't see us having any sort of long term thing, he just doesn't seem like my type. OH, and he paid for his beer that he had ordered at the bar before I was there, but then the bill came for the other beer he ordered and my drink. He made no sort of movement to pay for it, so I had my money out (I wasn't going to be held hostage again, especially not for my $5 drink), then said he would pay because he had made me wait 15 minutes. Um, how about paying because you're the boy and you asked me out?
The important thing about the date is the thought of him making a move does not gross me out. So I have come to the conclusion that it's not me, it's just luck of the draw with the guys I've dated so far. And yes, I am going to give Pharm another chance, just because he is a nice guy and I don't want to be the girl who got flowers and then never talked to the guy again...that would almost guarantee that I would never again in my life get flowers, and that's just not a risk I'm willing to take.
Also, I need to introduce a new guy to the blog, Tex. Tex is from the area, but went to school in CA and then to grad school in Texas. He just bought a house (with a pool, perfect for summer) and is a sewer engineer (which sounds like a fancy name for a plumber or something, but actually he designs systems or something like that). Anyway, we've been talking for a week or so. I was supposed to go out of town for the weekend, but do to a little logistical mix-up was left here on the 4th of July with no plans. He happened to text me and ask what I was doing, and when I said nothing, he suggested we do something. There is a big fireworks show, so we are going to the park where it all happens and having a picnic....sort of necessary to get there really early to claim a spot, so we figured we could multi-task and eat while claiming our territory.