Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Sorry bud, you're just not that cool

Okay, I need to update you on two dates I've been on lately. The first was on Monday night with Pharm. It wasn't so much as a date as it was two people hanging out and grabbing dinner. He texted me after work and said he was craving a Bloomin' Burger and asked if I had dinner plans. There's no way I can resist one of those, so off I went. Pharm really is a nice guy, and I do enjoy spending time with him, just not it "that" way. After dinner he insisted on buying me Cold Stone. I tried to pay but he wouldn't let me. Like I said, he's a nice guy.

Last night I went to the movies with Slot. He had emailed me last week and asked if I wanted to "hang out" again. I didn't really want to do anything that would require a ton of conversation, so we went to see Step Brothers (which was pretty funny, with bits of disgusting stuff, as you would imagine with a Will Ferrell movie). There's just something about this guy that bugs me. He has this attitude that he is God's gift to women...which he most definitely is not. He owns a house and has a good job, and I think those accomplishments just brought him to a new level of cockiness. If he were super hot, I could sort of understand the attitude, but he's just not cute enough to pull it off (and no, I'm not saying being hot is an excuse, but it does make it slightly more understandable). Will I hang out with him again? I don't know, it will probably depend on whether or not I have something better to do. Wow, that sound harsh...such is the world of dating.

I think on Friday I am actually going out to dinner with Tex, so that's exciting. Next week I'm having sushi with a guy who lives out of town, but comes up here fairly regularly for business. And what do you know, he's also in pharmaceutical sales. What do I name him? Pharm 2? That will get way too confusing. Oh, got it....his name is Johnny (yes, an actual name), because the place where he lives is referenced in a Johnny Cash song. I am stretching that one...

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Forgot to mention...

Today was my final kayaking class. Unfortunately, the hot instructor wasn't there. All of us girls were bummed. At the end of the class I told the main instructor that we were all sad he wasn't there, since we enjoyed watching him paddle. Apparently he flew back to Minnesota to visit his girlfriend (who they say he isn't very attached to, but she bought him the ticket). The kayaking school is going to offer a one day trip just for us, and I (and all of the other estrogen producing folks) am hoping that hot guy is there. It is so motivating. Okay, not really, I just like looking at pretty things :)

The good, the bad, and the ugly.

I apologize for being a little late on updating this...since I know that soooo many of you are waiting anxiously to hear how my dates have gone :)

The Good
Tonight I had my second date (although I'm not sure you could call the first meeting a date) with Golf. He worked until 5 and had a work thing he was supposed to go to at 7, so we decided to just meet up for a glass of wine. Work ran late and we didn't meet until 7 or so. He seems like a rally cool guy. Not sure how much of a long-term type person he is, but I am definitely interested in hanging out with him some more. We ended up staying at the restaurant until about 9:45. He checked the time on his phone once and his boss had called him three times. The work thing he was supposed to be at was a barbecue, so he said it was fine if he was late. Anyway, the night went really well. He is very easy to talk to and we actually have a lot in common. We haven't made any more plans, but talked about getting together again. It's hard with his schedule since he has to work weekends and during the summer only has one day off per week.

The Bad
Thursday night was my date with Flight. He lives about an hour away, so I offered to meet him in the middle. The town where we met is a very interesting place. And by interesting, I mean gross...lots of mullets and beer bellies. And probably meth. I ended up being fairly late (which I hate) because I missed the last exit in town, and the next chance to turn around is 15 miles away. Luckily the speed limit was 75 so I could go a little faster, but I was still over 20 minutes late. I did call and tell him as soon as I passed the exit, but I felt like an idiot. The date started off fine, just talking and catching up since it had been a month or so since our first date. It actually went pretty well until about half way through dinner when he brought up politics. Now, he describes himself as a conservative, so I figured it would be more of a friendly conversation. Nope. Turns out he isn't as conservative as he thought, and by the end of the heated debate discussion, he told me that I have convinced him that he is actually a democrat. Ooops. Don't get me wrong, I'm totally up for a good debate, but not for almost an hour, and not on a date. By the end of it I was just sort of irritated and ready to leave. Will I hang out with him again? Yeah, if he asks, but I'm honestly not sure he will.

The Ugly
I am prefacing this email by saying what I am about to tell you is 100% true. Last night I got home and checked my myspace. I saw a message from a random person (with no picture). The subject was this:

"Wow. Want 500 cash?"

I was thinking it was some money making scheme. I was so wrong. I opened the message and this is what it said:


That's right, I have officially been solicited. Happy days are here again.

Friday, July 25, 2008

My life is complete

Do you ever discover that there is something you've always wished for, but just didn't know it until you found out it existed? That's how I felt today when I read that Dustin Diamond, better known as Screech (aka Samuel Powers) on Saved by the Bell, is writing a behind-the-scenes book called "Behind the Bell." Apparently, it's going to feature "sexual escapades among cast members, drug use, and hardcore partying." I grew up watching that show...every Saturday morning I'd wake up and wait to see if Kelly and Zack were finally going to get together, or if Zack Attack had any new songs.

*Side note, if you've watched that show as an adult, you will see it is actually the worst show ever.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Life's Simple Pleasures

First, I want to apologize to my male readers for the content of this post. Now...I would like to take a moment to give thanks to those simple things that bring a smile my face. You know, diet coke, red vines, nacho cheesier doritos, costco, and boys with tanned, toned bodies.

I have been taking a river kayaking class. The first two lessons are in a pool and the final lesson is in the river. One of the instructors is super hot. He has really short bleached hair, is nice and tan, and very toned (what's with this weird punk phase I'm going through?). He sort of has a swimmer's body, not super buffed or anything, just right. Whenever he paddles over to me and we start talking it takes everything in me to not sound like an idiot. Girls, you all know what I'm talking about.

Today we were doing some weird side-bend thingies to practice snapping our hips. I did a few, got bored, and then decided it was much more fun to just watch him paddle around. Imagine, this tanned body of perfection paddling away and every little muscle flexing in perfect rhythm. It's like poetry. Unfortunately, our final class is on the river and we will all have life jackets on :(

Oh, and before we get in the pool we set everything up on the lawn. He was bending over/squatting to help people adjust their seats, and he had a bit of the plumber's crack thing going on...but for some reason it's kinda hot when it belongs to a cute guy instead of an old, hairy fat guy. Strange.

Wow, I'm a perve.

I love it when they respond

Retard from my last post actually responded to my email. This is what he said:

"ooooooh. Maybe I should have been more specific...Have you any lady friends who are attractive and athletic like yourself, whom would enjoy an evening with several well-behaved and attractive young men? I guess you could bring one guy as long as he wouldn't kick our asses and stuff."

Does he really think I didn't understand what he was getting at the first time around? I should show up with a couple girls and find some giant bouncer-type guy to bring along. That would be fun. Sometimes it's fun to see people squirm. :)

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

It's been a while...

...since I've had a retard post...but the match boys have pulled through and managed to provide us with some entertainment. Here is the email I just received:

"pretty girl. my friends and I will be in your area in two weekends. you should join us. your friends should join us too. we'll cook. you'll drink and smell good."

My response?

"Sure, I'd love to...most of my friends are guys though, would you like them to smell good as well?"

The saddest part is that he will probably find some skanky friendly girls to take him up on that offer. Oh well.

Tonight I finally met up with Golf. Did I mention he's 6'2? Oh, he is. He gave me such a good golf lesson that I was sort of confused as to whether it was a date or a golf lesson (on a side note, he was very impressed with my skills...raw talent, what can I say). Afterwards we talked for a while by our cars. We talked about meeting up for a real game of golf sometime. As I drove away, I was trying to figure out exactly what was going on, if he was really just a nice guy giving a golf lesson, or if he might be interested in something more. I texted him when I got home to thank him again...he wrote back and suggest we meet up for drinks sometime. Yay! So, looks like we are meeting on Saturday evening. He totally isn't my type, which is sort of what makes it so fun...don't get me wrong, he's super cute, but not what I generally go for. If you met him on the street you would think he was a guitar player in a punk band. I know, hot! I know certain loyal readers of this blog will appreciate that...

Monday, July 21, 2008

Two Guys from Hong Kong

I had a date with Tex Friday. We had both had busy weeks, so decided to do something low key. I met him at his house, then we drove to a bar to have a drink. The plan was to stay there for a little while, then grab some take-out and head back to his house to watch some movies. While walking into the bar I noticed a Chinese restaurant a few doors down, called "Two Guys from Hong Kong." I know, cool name! I ran down to grab a menu. When I showed it to Tex, I kid you not, this is what he said: "Oh, I think I have a coupon for that place." He goes out to his truck and grabs a giant coupon book, and starts flipping through it.

Okay, I am all about coupons. I love them, they're great. I mean it's like having free money. BUT, are they really something you want to whip out on a 3rd date? We already had the menu and the place was really cheap, like $8 per person for a complete dinner. And don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with a guy being thrifty. Thrifty is good, it shows financial responsibility. But there is a fine line/slippery slope between thrifty and cheap....and I can't stand cheap. Had we been dating for some decent amount of time or something, it would have been different. But the 3rd date? Looking at our other two dates I'm sort of seeing a pattern. Evidence: Date #1- picnic; Date #2- he cooked; Date #3- tries to use coupons. Now, the picnic was great, and hanging out at his place was fun too. I'm not saying I didn't enjoy the dates, it's just I don't think I've ever gone out with someone three times without eating at an actual restaurant. So, to my loyal readers, what do you think? I mean obviously I'm not going to stop seeing him because of this, but I would still like your you see it as some sort of red flag?

To show that I'm okay with being thrifty, I would like to share my shopping experience from yesterday. If any of you have a Dillard's nearby, go. Immediately. They have permanent 40% and 75% off racks, and they just rotate clothes through. I managed to get a $187 pair of super cute jeans for $44. I hit some sales at other stores, and bought five shirts for $35...the sales were great. Okay, maybe thrifty isn't the right word, more like smart shopping...but the point is I'm all about finding a good deal. Just not on the 3rd date.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

My non-date date

Tonight was my non-date date with Pharm. Ever since we made plans I've been a little nervous about one thing- the dinner bill. I didn't want him to think I thought he should pay, since technically it isn't a date...but I also didn't want to have one of those awkward check moments. Anyway, let me back up...we went to Outback to try their new Bloomin' Burger. Let me just say it is great. It's a normal cheeseburger with bloomin' onion pieces on it, plus some of the sauce. It was fantastic, highly recommended. Towards the end of the meal I was starting to get the check anxiety, but he actually had his wallet pulled out before the check even came. Whew. My ideal plan the whole time is that he would do that and then I would pay for the movie....which I did. Oh, we saw Get Smart. Terrible reviews, hilarious movie. Seriously. If you are a Steve Carell fan you should see it. Even if you aren't, but like dry humor and subtle jokes, see it. We were both laughing the entire time. On the way home we drove by A&W and had to make a root beer float stop. Yummy. I had a pretty good time. There wasn't any weirdness or anything, which I was a little worried about. I don't know if we will ever be more than friends, but for now, friends is fine by me.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Message from Slot

I just received a text from Slot:

"Want to hang out again some time?"

Honestly, I'm not sure I do. Part of me says I should just because he's fun, but then I remember how he was 15 minutes late and almost didn't pay for my one $5 drink. What do you think?

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


I had my lunch date with Lefty2 today. He is a pretty nice guy, and we seem to have the most important things in common, such as our hatred of mushrooms, zucchini, and asparagus. This is vital. Lunch went well and we ended up talking for about an hour and a half. We really do have a lot of things in common, except for that darn political thing. He seems like he'd be cool to hang out with, so assuming he asks I would see him again.

Thurday I'm going out with Pharm, and Friday with Tex. Next week (so far) I am meeting Golf on Tuesday and Lefty at some point. I hate having so many dates in a week, but if I don't schedule them like that I would be booked for like a month. I know, there are worse problems to have.

Word Cloud

I came across a website that will make word clouds of your blog (or anything else)...I believe the bigger the word, the higher the frequency of that is mine (click for a larger view):

Monday, July 14, 2008

Who would have thought...

Tonight was supposed to be my golf lesson/date with Golf. However, at around 3pm, we got a sudden downpour and hail storm. Yes, hail when it's been in the 90s. I really didn't know that was possible. The rain cleared up, but then there was lightening. I didn't think that standing by a lake, holding a metal rod was a good idea given the whether. So, our date has once again been rescheduled for next Tuesday.

Last Friday I was supposed to have a non-date with Pharm. I ended up working a little later than I expected and there was no way I could have been presentable by the time we were meeting, so I canceled. We are now getting together on Thursday.

Tomorrow I have a lunch date with another new guy, Lefty2. He is not to be confused with the original Lefty, who I had planned on meeting this week but couldn't because of work. Lefty2 seems very cool, except for the obvious flaw in political choice. We are meeting for lunch at a place pretty close where I work (and he only works a couple miles away).

Friday I am going out with Tex, and I am trying to figure out a time to go out again with Flight. Busy, busy, busy.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Um, too much of a coincidence...

You know how I have that little tracker thing on my page that shows who visit the site? It keeps me pretty entertained, since every now and then someone from, say, India or England reads my blog. It also says what page the went to and/or where they came from. Well, today I noticed that someone from Japan went to the "Maverick Update" blog. Those loyal readers I have will remember that Maverick is in Japan. I am currently racking my brain to think of any way he could have found out about my blog. I know there is a way it can be done, but I also know that these blogs exist, and it would be really hard to find the trail without knowing everything. Hmmm....

Oh, speaking of Maverick, my friend and I are going to Vegas in last August, and hopefully I will be able to meet him. Yay!

Completely unrelated, I am meeting up with Pharm tonight. I was totally sincere when I said I would like to hang out with him as a friend. I mean who knows, maybe something might develop, maybe not, but at least now we are on the same page.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

I told you so

Last night was my date with Tex. Overall it went pretty well. We went and hit golf balls. The place we went is set up so you hit into water, and there are little islands out there to give you a place to aim. Well we created a competition to see who could hit them the most. I was a way better golfer than he was, he could hit it okay but was pretty inconsistent. That inconsistency worked out though, because he would it the ball and it would randomly hit an island. Those of you who know me know I'm pretty competitive, so it was pretty annoying. I tried to smile and contratulate him, but let's face it, I hate losing. After golf we went to his house and he made tacos. They were pretty good, but not as good as the strawberry shortcake we had for dessert. Yummy. We hung out for a little while and then I headed home. At the beginning of the date I was a little uncomfortable, but by the end I was having a good time.

When I got home I had an email from Pharm. I was fairly sure I wouldn't hear from him again. He basically said that he understands and that you can't help it if it's just not there. He did say he would like to hang out as friends with no expectations or anything, and he would leave the ball in my court to see if I was sincere about my offer to do so. I was, so it looks like we will continue to hang out as friends. Unfortunately that probably means I'll have to pay for my own I am glad that it all seems to have worked out.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

I did it...

After a lot of thought I decided to email Pharm. I've never received a "Dear John" letter, but I can imagine that it sucks. I basically told him that although I had a good time with him and appreciated everything he did, I just wasn't feeling the chemistry (which I think you should feel during the first date, let alone the third). I also said that I would enjoy hanging out with him in the future (friend zone), but that I understand if that's not what he's looking for. I feel really bad, but I think he deserved to hear what I needed to tell him before he takes me out and spends another $100 on dinner.

My date calendar is getting sort of ridiculous. I am now scheduling dates for next weekend (as in 10 days from now), because I'm pretty much booked solid until then. It is getting to the point where I am having a hard time keeping track of them. Through this whole process I've only made one mistake (I said something about the school Tex went to, then realized it was Slot who had gone to that school...oops...). It's weird, when I first signed up for match I had tons of dates, then is seems like the population dried up, and the number of emails I got suddenly went way down. Now, it's like the dry spell is over and I am back to getting at least 5 emails/winks from NEW guys each day. So I'm scheduling my dates like a doctor schedules his patients- book people every day, but leave spots open for emergencies (in this case, my favorites). I would hate for someone I really like to ask me out and have to tell them I'm available in 2 weeks.

Oh, Flight is back from vacation and I think we are going to meet for dinner in a town half way between us (remember, he lives an hour away). I suggested this and he said that I scored major points by offering to travel. Gold star for me!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


I haven't talked to/heard from Pharm since Saturday, when he sent me a text. It basically said that he hoped I had a good holiday and for me to let him know when I'm back in town. I haven't replied. Even though I know there's no chemistry, I told myself that if he contacts me and asks me out again I will go...partially to give it one last shot and partially because I would feel bad, since he sent me all that stuff (however psycho). Like I said, the ball is in my court, since he asked me to call him.

I know I don't want to call to just chat or whatever because I don't want to lead him on....really the only reason for me to contact him would be to tell him I'm not interested...but, do I owe him an explanation? Should I send him an email or something saying that I'm just not in the same place as he is (or something like that)? Now, for my regular blog readers, you know that I have no problem just not talking to a guy and letting the situation work itself out...but I don't want this poor guy to be like "everything was fine, I sent her flowers and wine, and never heard from her again...I'm never buying flowers for a girl again." Think of it as taking one for the team...

What do you think?

Retard #3504983259

Remember the retard from this post? To recap, he sends out very long emails to girls on match and, in them, says how much he likes sex. I know, charming. Well, since he sent me that message a month ago, I have received two identical emails from him....which I guess is slightly better than the "Obviously you didn't get my email because I have not received a response" emails that I get sometimes. So I decided to respond to this guy in an effort to get off his mailing list. Here is what I said:

"Just wanted to let you know I've received this same email from you three times over the course of a few weeks. Any person who mentions sex in an introductory form email really isn't my type. Good luck with your search."

I wasn't trying to be rude, I just wanted to tell him blatantly that I'm not interested, and why. This is the response I got from him:

no problem, any one who is prudish about sex and has a problem with sex is not my type. good luck to you."

Okay, are we so far gone as a society that what I said makes me a prude? I mean don't get me wrong, I am a prude, but this guy doesn't know that...and has no reason to believe that based on what I said to him. I would be very interested to find out how many girls he actually manages to go out with...

Monday, July 7, 2008

Busy times ahead

Well, my social event calendar is filling up. I even have a few new guys to add to the mix.
First (and most important), I have another date with Tex on Wednesday. Nothing fancy, we are just meeting to hit golf balls. But I'm still excited about getting to know him better.

And now, I'd like to introduce Golf. Golf is 28 and a golf pro at a local country club. He is pretty darn cute, sort of has that punk look going on, but mixed with the preppy-ness of golf. I mentioned that I went to a driving range over the weekend and said I wanted to get lessons, and he offered to give me lessons! So we are meeting up for that and then grabbing drinks after. To everyone reading this, I was thinking that I should offer to pay for the drinks since he's giving me a lesson, but at the same time it's a date, so I'm not sure? Opinions?

I also am in the process of setting up a date with another guy, who I will call Lefty. I viewed his profile several times, but would always stop being interested when I saw "Liberal" listed as his political view. But when he emailed me, I decided to be open (since I don't want any of my prius driving friends accusing me of being a close-minded conservative). So I will probably be going out with him later this week or maybe next week. He is a lawyer and seems pretty interesting, so at the very least I think it will be fun. Perhaps we'll have to keep our conversation to such topics as the weather...

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Small towns

One thing difficult about where I live is that even though it is a large city, it is one where you always run into or see the same people. This can be a problem when one has my preferred method of putting an end to dating someone, which is just not returning a call or text. This problem is made worse by the fact that 4 of the guys I've gone out with live within a mile or two of me, which means we shop at the same stores and drive the same roads. I feel like I need to dress up like a movie star avoiding the paparazzi just to avoid seeing guys I've dated. Last night I was downtown at a popular bar. I was sitting at the bar, waiting for my drink, turn to the right, and see Atlanta standing there. Well, either Atlanta or someone who looks very similar to him. Actually I can't exactly remember what he looks like, which is why I wasn't sure if it was him or not. Anyway, he looked enough like him for me to stay on the opposite side of the bar to him. I guess if it had been him and he approached me I could have adopted an accent and acted like I had no idea what he was talking about. Hmm, that's a good game plan for future reference.


I am happy to say that my date with Tex went really well. I drove over to his house and then we drove together to watch the fireworks. He packed a picnic, complete with appetizers and dessert. We had planned to go to the park and sit on the grass, but we ended up parking in a little dirt parking lot thing on the side of the road where a lot of cars were parked for the show. Tex has a truck, so we just put the lawn chairs in the back and sat in the truck bed. We were really close (like 500 ft) from where the fireworks were launched, so it was awesome. Right away we sort of made friends with some people parked across from us, and the man, noticing the well-planned picnic, said that it must be our first date, since guys don't do stuff like that forever. We said he was wrong and that we had been together 15 years...and he actually believed us...yep, together since I was a freshman in high school.

Anyway, the whole night went really well. He is very stable (just bought a house), has a good job, but is still fun and doesn't act like he's 50 (unlike Pharm). That's the blend I've been looking for, someone who has their stuff together without making me feel like a little kid. I texted him the next morning to thank him and say I had a good time, and he texted back saying he a good time too, and that the last 15 years has really flown by. So, hopefully we'll be going out again...of course seeing how I am actually interested in him, he probably doesn't want to go out again. Murphy's Law strikes again...

Friday, July 4, 2008

Slots of fun

Okay, time for a recap of my date with Slot. I was looking forward to this date for a couple of reasons, first, because after emailing back and forth for well over a month I was really ready to meet the guy, and second, to see if my issues of not liking any of the guys I have met is because of them or because of me. For example, Pharm is a great guy, very nice, and very attentive (understatement of the year there)...he has the same goals for the future as I have, and, on paper, is great. However, the thought of him making a move on me sort of grosses me out. After undergoing the psychological consultation of a friend from work, I decided that my date with Slot was the perfect opportunity to see if I am really ready to date.

We agreed to meet at a bar/pub waaay on the other side of town from where we both live. Not sure why, but that's what I get for letting him pick (I later found out it's because his friend is a bartender so sometimes he gets hooked up with drinks). I get there at exactly the time we were supposed to meet and send him a text, asking if he's there. Nope, but he's on the freeway. He finally shows up 15 minutes later. Now, I understand that stuff happens, but how about calling someone if you are going to be more than 5 minutes late? Common courtesy, folks. Anyway, he gets there and goes into the bar, while I am still sitting in my car. I actually thought I saw him walk in, but wasn't sure. About 2 minutes later I get a text from him, and I tell him I'll be right in. I go inside and he has already gotten himself a drink. We get a table, and not once does he ask me if I want something. The waitress comes around and I order myself a drink. The first thing I notice is that the pictures he had on match were definitely his good pictures. He is good looking, just not quite on the level I was expecting. We actually ended up talking for about two hours, which sort of shocked me. Overall he is a nice guy, and I would like to hang out with him, but I can't see us having any sort of long term thing, he just doesn't seem like my type. OH, and he paid for his beer that he had ordered at the bar before I was there, but then the bill came for the other beer he ordered and my drink. He made no sort of movement to pay for it, so I had my money out (I wasn't going to be held hostage again, especially not for my $5 drink), then said he would pay because he had made me wait 15 minutes. Um, how about paying because you're the boy and you asked me out?

The important thing about the date is the thought of him making a move does not gross me out. So I have come to the conclusion that it's not me, it's just luck of the draw with the guys I've dated so far. And yes, I am going to give Pharm another chance, just because he is a nice guy and I don't want to be the girl who got flowers and then never talked to the guy again...that would almost guarantee that I would never again in my life get flowers, and that's just not a risk I'm willing to take.

Also, I need to introduce a new guy to the blog, Tex. Tex is from the area, but went to school in CA and then to grad school in Texas. He just bought a house (with a pool, perfect for summer) and is a sewer engineer (which sounds like a fancy name for a plumber or something, but actually he designs systems or something like that). Anyway, we've been talking for a week or so. I was supposed to go out of town for the weekend, but do to a little logistical mix-up was left here on the 4th of July with no plans. He happened to text me and ask what I was doing, and when I said nothing, he suggested we do something. There is a big fireworks show, so we are going to the park where it all happens and having a picnic....sort of necessary to get there really early to claim a spot, so we figured we could multi-task and eat while claiming our territory.

Thursday, July 3, 2008


Remember yesterday how I said that Pharm was being a bit too intense and I was kind of wanting him to back off? Well, today I go into my office and on my desk is a box containing flowers in a vase, a bottle of wine, and containers of licorice and chocolate covered cherries. Now don't get me wrong, I think this is a very nice gesture...however, it seems that after knowing him for all of 6 days it may be a little much. What do you think?

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

I like you, you're great, leave me alone.

I had my date with Pharm last night. He is very easy to talk to and we have a good time together. We went to dinner and this very yummy place, then got Coldstone (yes, again) after. This was our third date in four days, and he just asked me if I am free on Thursday. Now, don't get me wrong, it's great having someone chase me for a change, it's very flattering...but, at the same time, I am actually happy that I have plans through Sunday, because I feel like it's just too much. Maybe I'm just not used to being pursued like that, who knows...The other problem is that I have absolutely no desire to do anything with him (okay, get your minds out of the gutter, I'm talking first base here). And it's not because I'm not attracted to him, I am, but it just seems so awkward....maybe that's just part of the dating thing when you've been out of the game a while. Hmm...for anyone reading this who has had to return to the dating world after a long relationship, feel free to leave a comment with your thoughts and experiences.

I was able to turn him down for Thursday because I have my date with Slot! It's about time...

Tuesday, July 1, 2008


At least I don't have to deal with guys like this...yet:
Some Loser Douchbag's Phone Messages