Monday, June 9, 2008

And again...

First of all, let me start by apologizing for turning this blog into more of a chronicle of idiots than an actual dating journal, but until I'm better, this will have to do. I would also like to say that pneumonia is an excellent diet, I've lost about 6 lbs in a week, enough so someone at work actually noticed. I'm sure it's not the healthiest looking weight loss (not that dark circles around the eyes aren't attractive, I mean look at Kate Moss), but seeing how my 10 year high school reunion is on Saturday, I'll take what I can get.

And now, for the suitor of the day...this guy sent me one email. One. And this is an excerpt from it:

"I also enjoy running 2 miles M-F before work and then doing some pushups and situps. Love the getting the blood pumping in the morning. I am easy going, love to socialize and have fun. I love sex and am a very sexual person."

Um, excuse me? I mean, at least buy me dinner before telling me that you are an a-hole!


PadresGirl said...

Hey! This sounds like my defense contractor/former Marine that told me that he wanted to "cuddle and make love to me under the stars on the beach" on our first email. How lucky are we? Hope you are feeling better!

Marina said...

I am surprised he didn't inform you of his eating routine. I wonder what his diet is. I think you should write back saying he sounds fantastic but that you are saving yourself for marriage and see what he replies.

Anonymous said...

the girl - that is an awesome suggestion

Anonymous said...

Hey, maybe he'll rock your world. You should go for it.