Sunday, June 29, 2008

It's starting to pour...

Soooo, after many weeks of uneventfulness (is that a word? Don't think so...but it's perfect) I finally have some actual dating stories. Yay!

I've been talking to a guy from match for a couple of weeks. He's a 32 year old pharmaceutical sales guy, so his name will be Pharm. Last week he asked if I would like to meet up for coffee. Now, I know coffee is a great idea for a first date, because for the guy, he only has to shell out a max of about $8, and for a girl (and guy), the date can take under 30 minutes if need be. I, however, am not really into the coffee thing, not really sure why, I guess because I don't really consider it a real date. But anyway, because my well has been a little dry, I said yes. We met at a Starbucks right down the road from me (1.4 miles, to be exact) at 10:30 on Saturday. I'm not one for morning dates, since it means I have to be date-ready early, which means I have to get up even earlier. Yucky. When I got there he already had my drink in hand (I had told him that I don't like coffee but that I like a VERY specific latte, with about 7 alterations)...that gave him some bonus points. We sat and talked for a while, then walked around (slowly, since I am still recovering from craphood). After sitting/walking/talking for an hour or so, he asked if I would like to grab lunch. Sure. So we walked over to a lunch place and continued with the conversation. We finish up and say goodbye. He called me a couple of hours later, asking if I wanted to have lunch the following day (today). Sure. Today we went out to lunch, after which we walked around by the river and got Cold Stone (yay!). Afterwards we went back to his house and sat around for a while...he asked if I was available for dinner, so we are meeting up again on Tuesday. Over all, I think Pharm is a very nice guy. He definitely has his stuff together and he's fun to hang out with. He's also 6'4" which is super. The only problem is that at 32, he has gray hair. Now, I know it's not his fault, but I always feel like I am with an old guy. I find that I have to remind myself in the middle of conversation that he's not 45. Hopefully I can get over that though, because he is fun to hang out with.

Also on the agenda for this week is.....drum roll....a date with Slot. Finally! We've been talking for well over a month now, and our date got sidelined when I got sick. We originally made a date for Wednesday, but then I remembered I have a late afternoon filling replacement, and I don't know if the half-the-face-numb thing is really a good look. So we are meeting on Thursday. I'm really excited about this one, mainly because I think if it doesn't work out romantically that he could still be someone to just hang out with..and seeing how I have all of 4 friends in Reno, people to hang out with is a good thing.


Ed said...

Hey now!! There's nothing wrong with a little gray hair!

Allyson said...
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Anonymous said...

But that's like saying you wouldn't date George Clooney and that would just be a ridiculous thing to say :)

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't, but because he's a weird, not because of the hair.

PadresGirl said...

What? You would turn down George Clooney??? He's my dream guy! At least I know I have one less competitor when he comes knocking on my door. Any day now... :-)