I was invited to a barbecue at Atlanta's house tonight. He texted me this afternoon with the invite...he said he knew I was out of town, but just in case I came back early. I wanted to go but
decided not to for a couple of reasons: 1) we've only been on one date, it would be a little weird to be at a bbq with him and his friends when I barely even know him; 2) I had a 3.5 hour drive ahead of me and knew I would be tired, and; 3) I bought my friend's old XBox from her over the weekend and was looking forward to a night of Karaoke Revolution. Okay, so #3 is a lame reason, but that's the beauty of an anonymous blog. I didn't even end up getting home until almost 8 anyway, so it was too late (since my bedtime is around 10:30...yes, I am 12). So instead I am going to his house on Tuesday and he's cooking me dinner. I am in charge of dessert, so any suggestions on what to make would be appreciated.
Maverick and I have arranged our first "date." Once again, the term is used loosely, since he is still overseas. We are meeting online to chat, and that will have to do for now. There is a 16 hour time difference between us so hopefully we can figure out a meeting time.
In related news, over the weekend I went to a party of my friend's friend. I was talking to her friend and that friend's boyfriend and it turns out they met on eharmony, and have been together almost 2 years. It's nice to hear encouraging stories like that!
So this week it looks like I have a dinner date with Atlanta, a coffee/drink mini-date with TA, a dinner date with Gandhi (which I may seriously regret, but I have to give the guy a chance), and an online date with Maverick. Thank goodness this is a three day weekend, I may need the recovery time!
Oh, several people have asked if they can forward this to their friends/coworkers/whoever. Yes, please do! The point of this blog is to share my experiences in an anonymous way with my friends or whoever (or is it whomever?) may be interested in reading it...so forward to your friends and comment whenever you feel the need!
Dinner at his house eh? Sounds like he'll probably make his first move. Are you ready for a good night kiss?
Hmm, don't know...I'm sure it will be a little weird...but I'm sure I'll get over that quickly!
I did a 2nd date dinner at a guy's house once, and got lectured by a couple of friends, so I'll pass the info on to you--call/text someone with your "agenda" and promise to check in with them by a certain time. You never know when the guy could turn out to be an axe murderer. :-)
hmm, good idea. good thing i have a former marine as a roomie...
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