"Who would I like to meet?
Of course I enjoy the company of those of like mind and disposition. But my perfect woman? In a word, I'm looking for "candela." I'm after a quick-witted and gracious woman, who is emotionally-viscerally-cognitively connected, engaged and composed. She is inquisitive, vibrant, sophisticated (in all the best ways), and optimistic."
--If anyone knows what a candela is, please leave a comment...google search results in something about lasers.
"I also have an abiding penchant for smart, confident, and hard-headed women - no wallflowers for me. I love tough and discerning women who are self-assured enough not to be overly pretentious, impolite, dismissive, or inconsiderate: a rarefied woman with so much confidence, poise, spunk, and intrepidness that she simply radiates - like a supernova!! "
"Of course, you can't be mean, overly negative, myopic (intellectually or philosophically), or unable to trust and be trusted. So if you're thoughtful, gracious, and possessed of a certain generosity of spirit, then I'm sure I'll find you endearing and our time together pleasant enough."
--This guy uses more adjectives than anyone I know.
"My ethnicity: Race and Ethnicity are psycho-socio-fictions, and have little meaning or predictive significance, and if even if they did, ethnic purity is historic/mathematic/genetically impossible. "
--Just say you are white and get over yourself.
"Favorite things:
In no particular order:
A well-prepared meal, on a warm sunny afternoon
Fresh Air
Real Communication
Sharing a moment of honest laughter
Wise words
Original and innovative music that isn't self-gratifying pseudo-virtuosic nonsense"
--Aww, so you won't be going to a Wheezer concert with me? So sad...
"Last read:
Today: Federal Administrative Procedure Act, The Trib (aka. the Chicago Tribune), Books on International Taxation and Natural Law Jurisprudence.
Avocationally: History, Historical Fiction, Philosophy, Satire (political and otherwise)."
-Excuse me for a second, I can't type while I'm laughing uncontrollably about how much of a tool you are!
OMG....GROSS! I can't stand this guy!
Candela was in a story/opera/ballet called "El Amor Brujo", or he could be referring to the definition of Candela which is luminous intensity.
Eclare, yes, after being reminded of physics I vaguely remember the term candela...but I figured there had to be another use, and your opera reference is probably correct...thanks!
Wow. You "nailed it on the head" by calling this guy a tool. Seriously. He thinks you're close-minded, but from his comments, he obviously only wants to be with someone that thinks like him. Ugh. I don't know what to say to him, but then again, I was drinking wine at 3:30 in the afternoon!
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