Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Retard #3504983259

Remember the retard from this post? To recap, he sends out very long emails to girls on match and, in them, says how much he likes sex. I know, charming. Well, since he sent me that message a month ago, I have received two identical emails from him....which I guess is slightly better than the "Obviously you didn't get my email because I have not received a response" emails that I get sometimes. So I decided to respond to this guy in an effort to get off his mailing list. Here is what I said:

"Just wanted to let you know I've received this same email from you three times over the course of a few weeks. Any person who mentions sex in an introductory form email really isn't my type. Good luck with your search."

I wasn't trying to be rude, I just wanted to tell him blatantly that I'm not interested, and why. This is the response I got from him:

no problem, any one who is prudish about sex and has a problem with sex is not my type. good luck to you."

Okay, are we so far gone as a society that what I said makes me a prude? I mean don't get me wrong, I am a prude, but this guy doesn't know that...and has no reason to believe that based on what I said to him. I would be very interested to find out how many girls he actually manages to go out with...


Anonymous said...

I dont think it sounded like you have a problem with sex, just that if it is so imperative that someone divulge his penchant for it during the first 10 sentences of his profile, without even meeting face to face and shooting tequila shots for God's sake, then you would rather not get messages from him. It seems that he is using his match account for hooking up with horny women that dont want to think about a relationship....just getting some. I will bet you dont hear from this loser again...lucky you!!!!!

Anonymous said...

geesh- guess i am going to have to change my match profile intro letter! LOL

PadresGirl said...

No, I don't think it makes you a prude (or at least shouldn't be perceived as such, whatever the case may be). I think that guys just don't like being called out for being the horny a-holes that SOME of them are. I will mention that several people have told me that Match is where you go when you want to hook up.