Monday, September 22, 2008

Little details

Sorry in advance for the long post...

On Saturday I had a lunch date with Flight 2. Flight 2 is, what do you know, another Air Force pilot. He actually lives a couple of hours away, but wanted to make the drive to meet me. The first thing I noticed was that he is really cute. He was very nice, polite, etc. He did seem to get confused easily. For example, consider the following conversation:

Flight 2: "So, what do your parents do?"
Me: "Well, my stepdad is a retired fire chief."
Flight 2 (looking very confused): "What does that mean?"
Me: "Um, it means he was a fire chief, but is now retired."
Flight 2: "Oh."

This sort of thing happened several times, where I found myself explaining things that really required no explanation. But okay, I can deal with that, maybe he was nervous or something.

At some point, fairly early in the conversation, I mentioned that I might be going to Utah for a karate tournament. He asked me what I thought of Utah. I told him I liked it, and have a lot of friends there, who are Mormon, and I mentioned that I like Mormon people for a variety of reasons. He said nothing. Fast-forward to about 3o minutes later. He was talking about something entirely different. He then decides it's a good time to throw in that he's Mormon. Okay, so I do like Mormon people...I grew up with a lot of them, and they are all very nice, hard-working, friendly people. But I'm not Mormon, nor do I wish to date someone who is. On there is a place to put your religion, and "Christian-LDS" is an option. He decided to put "Christian-Other." At this point I was just sort of's like people who don't put they have kids in their profiles. Don't want to mention it in your profile? Fine! How about in one of the many emails? Like when you said you lived in Poland for a couple of years, that would have been a perfect time to add that it was for your LDS mission. Just a thought.

I could have saved him 2.5 hours (each way!) in the car and the $30 that lunch cost. Within a couple hours of our date ending, I got two texts and a phone call (I missed the call, and he didn't leave a message). This is one of his texts: "I hope you don't mind me observing you're very beautiful. It's not just your pictures." Yes, he's a nice guy, but religion is just one of those issues where I'm not going to negotiate.

Moving on...I had another date Thursday evening. This is a guy I started talking to right when I first got on match, but then we just sort of stopped emailing. He emailed me again and suggested we finally meet up. I didn't know how much of a match we were, but I thought I'd give it a shot. Why are we not a match? Well, little things in his profile, such as:

"My match does not have a subscription to People magazine and wonders if anybody really watches the Bachelor."

"I haven't had a TV for 15 years..."

Anyone who knows me knows I love my TV. And People magazine. In fact, just Friday I applied to be on the Bachelor. Yes, I'm serious. Anyway, we met up for a drink. I don't have too much to say one way or the other. He was nice, but sort of, hmm, what's the word...stuffy? Like I could imagine him sitting in a leather chair smoking a pipe, wearing a sweater vest. The date was more good than bad though...

...until the end. As we were finishing up, he asked me out again. This is the first time this has happened, and I have to say, I'm not a fan. Talk about putting someone on the spot! Luckily, I was busy all weekend and am out of town the second half of this week...he told me just to call him when I get back. I'm still thinking about whether I will or not.


Jaimi said...

Flight 2 sounds too pretty. Too pretty = not smart.

The other guy? Eh.

The Bachelor? Really? Awesome!

Ed said...

I would actually watch the bachelor if you made the cut. That would be nonstop entertainment.

I never know how to approach the 2nd date thing. Like Hope says, it puts the girl on the spot, which I can understand would suck. But of course the first question all of my female friends ask me the next time I talk to them is whether the girl and I made plans for a second date.

I think the best solution is just to become psychic and know exactly what the girl wants.

PadresGirl said...

I am with Jaimi. If they're too pretty, they've never had the need to be smart. When you're ridiculously good-looking, you can coast by on your looks (or so I'm told).

As far as the 2nd date, I like leaving things vague. I'm more of a "I'll be in touch" kind of person, unless I'm really feeling the chemistry. Which has not happened yet.

Anonymous said...

He wasn't THAT good looking...and he is smart, he was a physics major at the Air Force Academy...and unless you're ESL or ride the short but, he never should have been confused.

Anonymous said...

All I ask is if you do get on The Bachelor, please don't say "we really felt at ease with each other."

Anonymous said...

@hopeful - I don't even watch that show enough to get the reference. I would be horrible on it though, mainly because I'm not skanky.

Ed said...

I think you'd get kicked off pretty fast because you're not skanky, but your interviews talking about the skanky chicks would definitely be TiVo-worthy.