Thursday, October 2, 2008

So, I did it...

Disclaimer- I just went out with S for a few glasses of wine, so I want to apologize for any incoherence or misspellings.

This afternoon, around 3pm, I did it. I called Dentist's office. I had the dialogue all planned out in my head: I would call and say I needed to leave a message. The receptionist would ask the nature of the message, and I would simply say "personal." The problem with pre-planning dialogues is that they NEVER go as planned. Ever. Instead, the call went something like this:

Receptionist: "Thank you for calling Dentist's office, how may I help you."
Me: "Um, hi, I'd like to leave a message for Dentist."
Receptionist: "Okay, with whom am I speaking?"
Me: "This is Hope girl."
Receptionist: "OOooohh, Hope, how arrrree you?"
Me: "Great."
Receptionist: "And what message would you like me to pass on?"
Me: Wait, this is not how I rehearsed it...uh oh..."Um, just to have him call me." (When you read this, make sure you have your voice getting higher towards the end of the sentence, like you're asking a question."
Receptionist: "Okay, I'll pass that on. Have a good day, Hope!" (When you read this, imagine her laughing for the second half. Yes, laughing.)
Me: ::barfing::

Okay, so I did it. I left out the part of the conversation where she told me he was in a procedure and he wouldn't be able to call me back until late that afternoon.

It's now 7:30pm. He didn't call. In the words of Nancy Kerrigan, "wwwwhhhhyyyy?" And this, even after I said a prayer at TGIFriday's with S, asking God (if he wasn't too busy with more important things, like world peace and the stock market) to make Dentist call me. The waitress probably thought we were crazy, since every couple of minutes we would would both stare at my phone and tap at it, as if we were making sure it was still breathing.

I'm now going to spend the evening watching 90210, The Office, and Gray's Anatomy...surely that's enough to keep my mind of of Dentist.

I hate boys.

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