Tuesday, October 21, 2008

SpeedDatin' the night away

Well, not really...more like "SpeedDatin' 15 minutes away." For the past month or so I've been getting these messages at my Facebook account from SpeedDate. The only time of SpeedDate I was aware of was the kind where you sit at a table with a guy for 10 minutes, a bell dings, and then the guys rotate, and you're on another 3-minute date. I actually did this once with some friends. When the night is over, you go home, log onto their website, and check off those guys with whom you feel you had a connection. If they checked you also, it's a match, and you're given their email address. I wasn't interested in any of the guys, but I did want to see who was interested in me...so I checked every single guy I had met. And there were a lot who had checked me, but of course, they could have been doing the same thing as I was doing.

Where was I...oh yeah, the new SpeedDate. So, I had been getting messages for a while and decided to check out their website. Basically, you are matched with someone else who is currently online, and then chat with them (instant message) for three minutes. If you have a webcam you can hook that up, so you can see each other face-to-face. One guy I matched with (and I use the term "match" loosely, I think they only look at age and location) had a webcam, but I do no...so I got to see his reactions as I typed. It was pretty cool, if not a little weird. Anyway, after three minutes your chat is cut off and you can decided whether he was a match; if he was (and he also chooses you as a match), he is added to your buddy list and you can continue chatting.

I think the concept of SpeedDate is pretty cool, since, assuming you both have a webcam, you actually get to see the other person in action before meeting up with them. We all know how a picture plus an email does not equal the actual person you end up meeting. I don't really think I'll use it for anything other than entertainment (it is really entertaining)...I am still on my dating hiatus, which might go on for a while longer, seeing how I'm busy every weekend in November AND moving AND Thanksgiving is thrown in there. Of course my December isn't looking much better....

Okay, back to the point. SpeedDate is pretty fun, especially if you get someone who has a camera when you don't...I guess that's my official review. The end.

1 comment:

PadresGirl said...

That sounds kind of cool. I have a webcam, but wouldn't turn it on if I tried it. When I'm at home on my computer, I'm usually in my gross clothes, no make-up, just very attractive in general. :-)