Wednesday, November 26, 2008

And yet another date...

Apparently some of you are eagerly waiting for this blog...sorry! I've been very busy at work this morning, thus the delay. And by "very busy," I mean planning my black Friday shopping.

Anyway...Rick emailed me yesterday with three options for dinner. Out of the three, I chose Italian. I mean, who can pass up Italian? Dinner was at 6:30. I was a little frantic due to a last minute rescue mission I had to perform. At lunch yesterday, I get a call from my friends' sister. Turns out that she, my friend, my friend's husband, and their kid were stranded in the middle of nowhere about an hour and a half east of where I live. They were flying their plane from Salt Lake to CA and an engine blew out, so they had to make an emergency landing. And the "airport" where they landed was really an unmanned airstrip in the middle of nowhere. So I rescued them.

Where was I...

Oh, frantic. So I'm a planner, and the rescue mission was obviously an unforeseen kink...not that it was any trouble, but I had to make some adjustments to my game plan. Plus I was freaked out by their experience enough to where I needed a drink. An nice Italian dinner with wine was just what I needed. We have no trouble talking to each other, no awkward silence, nothing like that. We didn't even end up leaving until after 9. He walked me back to my car, gave me a hug, and I offered to cook dinner for him on Sunday. I was wondering if he was going to try and make any sort of move, but it would have been really awkward in the fully lit parking lot, so I was okay when he didn't. So I'll be seeing him again on Sunday and I'm definitely looking forward to it.

And by the way, he now sends me emails every morning with a summary of the major local, regional, world, and sports news...I then forward this to my co-workers, so they all really like him too :)

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