Sunday, August 3, 2008

Dating burnout

I think I'm burnt out on this whole dating's sort of like going on 3-4 job interviews a week for, what, 12 weeks now? I mean how many frogs will I have to kiss to find my prince (figure of speech, there's been none of that!). Do match makers still exist? I'm thinking an arranged marriage is the way to go....yes, I'm almost serious.

This week I'm going out with Johnny. I would say I'm excited about it, but I'm really not excited about dating in general right now. We are going to sushi, so I am looking forward to that :)

I was supposed to go out with Tex last Friday, but I had a bronchoscopy on Friday morning and wasn't feeling up to it. Well, I could have gone and been okay, I guess I just didn't feel like hanging out with him. I'm guessing we will go out some night this week.

Wow, this blog is so depressing! about a joke to lighten up the mood? Warning, it's a gross one:

Q: What's the most popular pick up line at the gay bar?
A: Can I push in your stool?



PadresGirl said...

I feel the same way. I know I should be dating, but just can't get enthusiastic about it at this point. It really is like going on a series of job interviews, nerve-wracking and no fun. I had a HS friend that wanted an arranged marriage. Back then I laughed at her...These days? It's almost an attractive idea!

Decline and Fall said...

I just came back to the states from Brussels, where they have the gay bar with the best gay bar name ever: L'Homo Erectus.