Monday, August 11, 2008

Thursday night shenanigans

Early last week I got an email from a friend of a friend who was coming to my area for the weekend. I'll call him Doogie (he looks just like Neil Patrick Harris). I had never met the guy, but he and two of his friends were looking for advice as to where to go in town. I gave a list, after which he invited me to hang out with them. I had no plans, so I told them I would. Thursday rolls around and I wasn't feeling too hot, thinking it was because I was out late the night before with Johnny. I decided I would still go out, but only for a couple of hours. To make a long story short, six hours and an estimated equal number of drinks later, I'm really not feeling too great. Throughout the night, Doogie and I had been getting sort of friendly (minds out of the gutter, it was all very PG). So here's the gross part, and I apologize in advance to those of you with weak stomachs. We're sitting outside. I barf. He still wants to make out. As in right after. Sooooo gross. But I did get to hear such nice things as "are you sure you don't want me to come back to your place" (um, yeah) and "I'd really like to know what it's like to wake up in the morning with you next to me" (that's nice).

Fast forward to Friday morning. Once again, to make a long story short, I ended up having to puke in the bathroom. Twice. At work. I was leaving early because I was going out of town and co-workers were actually betting as to whether or not I'd have to use the facilities again before leaving (I didn't). I felt completely sick the rest of the day. Now, I've never EVER been sick the following day. I've felt crappy, but never actually been sick. Saturday, still felt like I was going to throw up all day. Sunday, still felt like I was going to throw up for most of the day. Then, I remembered an interesting detail. I was having some stomach issues Thursday morning, before the drinking extravaganza. Hmm, could it have been something I ate? Like maybe some sushi Wednesday night? I know the alcohol was a contributor, but I don't even think it's possible to have a 3 day hangover. Maybe my readers can tell me otherwise?


Ed said...

You're clearly knocked up. Hope, when a guy offers you a "Roofie-colada," you're supposed to politely decline.

Jaimi said...

He seriously STILL wanted to make out?

Now, I am feeling kinda nauseous. Blech.

I won that bet, by the way.


Anonymous said...

I know, it was totally gross. Well, not really for me, but for him. I think he was too busy shoving his entire tongue down my throat to notice. Yes, he's one of those.

PadresGirl said...

Ewww. Just ewww. And no, I can't say that I've had a 3 day hangover, so something else was probably going on there.