Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Does size matter?

Get your minds out of the gutter...I'm talking about height. Sheesh!

Today I got a message from a guy who sounds pretty cool. His last sentence asked if I were flexible on my 5'10" height minimum. I look at his profile. First of all, he's super cute. Hot, even. Good profile, nice pics. Then I look at his height. 5'5". I'm 5'7" without shoes. Unless he's wearing the Peewee Herman platform boots, I'm going to be way taller than him if I wear any shoe with a heel. If I were 6' or something, 2 inches wouldn't be a big deal....but that's not the case.

So, to my female readers, would you date a guy who was significantly shorter than you? And guys, would you date a girl taller than you? Leave your comments and let me know!


Jaimi said...

I don't think it matters if the guy has the personality to pull it off. And you won't know that unless you meet him.

Anonymous said...

I say give the short man a try. He's super cute and you never know this man could be the "one", why give that up just over height.

PadresGirl said...

Yeah, I'm with the other two comments. I dated a guy that was about 4" shorter than me for over two years. He actually loved when I wore heels! If you feel a connection, give him a shot!

Ed said...

First of all...you reduced your height requirement to 5' 10"?!?! I'm shocked!! I never thought that would happen!!

Second, I agree with all the ladies above (at least I assume anonymous is a girl). But I could just be saying that because I'm short. I'd totally date a taller chick. You can't something you have no control over doom a possible relationship. But we've had this conversation before ;-)

Anonymous said...

Hmm, not to be the bad guy here, but I don't think I would date someone shorter than me. But on the other hand that doesn't mean you can't go out with him and see if you feel a connection, and if you do then maybe height doesn't matter as much as you think it does.

Haley said...

I'm with her(hopeful for hope)....I couldn't date someone that much shorter than me. I don't like feeling like a GIANT at 5'7.

Unknown said...

NO WAY would I date a guy shroter than me!!! Oh, but then again I am 5'3" (you know, if I stretch real tall) so if a guy were shorter than me, he would probably be friends with Snow White and work in a coal mine. That said, I agree with Jaimi - depends on if he has the personality to pull it off and his level of confidence. Its not a deal-killer. You might miss out on someone amazing if you automatically rule him out.