Sunday, December 7, 2008

I think it's all figured out...

I spent half of Friday fretting about the previous night. My friends all offered their advice. The most popular opinion was raised by J, who is positive that Rick is a "socially retarded virgin." So much, in fact, that his nickname amongst my "friends" is now SRV. Charming, I know.

After our usual texting back and forth Friday morning, I asked Rick what the stakes were for our impending Trivial Pursuit challenge. He said he'd have to think about it. A little while later, I got this text (warning- please swallow any liquid that is currently in your mouth, as to avoid spitting it all over your computer screen):

"If I win, you have to watch either the Godfather or Rocky, and I get a kiss on the cheek."

Did you catch that last part? Yep, on the cheek. I could barely read it out loud without laugh hysterically. Not that it was all that funny, just a little unbelievable. On the cheek? After six, yes 6, dates, he is aiming for a kiss on the cheek? Hmm. Maybe SRV is a good name after all. I decided to sack up and use this opportunity to put it on the line:

"Okay, but if win we are watching either Pride and Prejudice (the short version) or Sex and the City, but I want a real kiss."

He then responded that if I'm raising the stakes then he is too, to both an actual kiss and being forced to watch either the Rocky or Godfather series in their entirety. I countered by adding in the 5 hour BBC version of Pride and Prejudice.

It seems that all is well. Our Trivial Pursuit challenge is on Tuesday night, and assuming we don't tie, I should finally make it to (drum roll, please) 1st base. I'm thinking I might just get it over with as soon as we meet up...I would hate for the impending event to impact my trivia skills. Since, after all, that's what is important.


Jaimi said...

I would like to reiterate what was discussed Friday night. After SRV gets the green light, you had better brace yourself.

Anonymous said...

Oh yes, forgot about that...apparently there is a school of thought that thinks the flood gates will open. Too bad that all those waters will meet is my dam. :)

Jaimi said...

Have a towel handy, just in case.

Ed said...

Wow...his ambition is staggering. Even I don't use that conservative of a game plan!!

Anonymous said...

He will probably "roll over the juice box" when you slip a little tongue in there.

(Friends reference, of course)

Anonymous said...

OMG, I love that episode.

Anonymous said...

I have a feeling he put the moves on with a girl and got total and absolute rejection and now he is a bit gun shy. Sounds like he is testing the borders and since you are accepting, he's going to fall right into place :) Nice work

PadresGirl said...

Ooh, did he think that he was going to get the short Keira Knightley (?) P&P? Of course he has to watch Colin Firth. Sigh.