Sunday, December 28, 2008

I thought boys were supposed to be simple?

Isn't that how it works? Boys are easy and simple, and girls are crazy and hormonal?

Things with Rick are going well. Well, they are going. I still enjoy hanging out with him, that much I know. Remember at the beginning how he was such a great plan-maker? Now, I sort of feel like I'm always the one making plans. I spent three years in a relationship as the one who almost always had to take charge, and it's not something I'm looking for again. One of the things that initially attracted me to Rick was that he seemed to be a take-charge sort of guy. But I don't see that at all anymore.

Last night we went to the movies (my suggestion). We did the usual hand-holding and kiss good night, but I wasn't really feeling it from him. So I vowed to not contact him until I heard from him- you know, put the ball in his court. Sure enough, he sent me a text this morning. I'm fairly confident in saying that he's interested in me, I think it's more that he's not wanting to scare me off. Or something like that. Or maybe the opposite of that. Wait, I don't even know what that would be.

As of now I have no set plans for New Years. I'm hoping he'll ask me to do something, or ask what I'm doing, or something like that...because I would like to spend it with him, but I just don't want to be the one to bring it up.

Have any of my loyal readers been in a situation like this?

On another note, I've been emailing a new guy from Match. He's actually someone I heard from a long time ago, but for some reason we never met up. I'm going to call him Stretch, because he's 6'6". How awesome is that? I'm a sucker for tall guys...


Jaimi said...

Having re-entered the world of single boys, I am still totally in the dark about them. They like to say they are super simple to understand. But that is ALL they say.

And for a girl, where talking is vital, how does that make it simple?

Anonymous said...

Is the problem that he doesn't take the initiative to ask you out on a date or that he doesn't take the initiative to figure out what to do on the date?

PadresGirl said...

Mmm...tall guys...mmmm....

OK, the situation you're in with Rick is what drove me nuts in my previous relationship. They're all about the plan making the first few weeks, then they get mysteriously "comfortable" (for lack of a better word) and let you take the lead on EVERYTHING. I think they figure that if you are making the plans, you'll be happy with what you're doing, rather than them going out on a limb to try to impress you (and potentially let you down)? Who knows. We need a dude to give us some insight.

Anonymous said...

@PadresGirl - Ed was in a meeting all day, but will give his insight shortly.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I think you should accept the fact that you are very difficult to outplan. Not everyone knows exactly what they are going to do two weekends from now, not everyone plans a vacation the day the airline tickets are made available for purchase. Maybe you are not giving him an opporunity to plan because you expect his plans to suit your agenda. Why cant he call you up the day of and, if you are not busy, ask you to coffee or a movie? Why does everything have to be so formal and business like?

Allyson said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

@Zack & Zoe- I'm not talking about advanced planning or "formal" stuff...I'm talking about "hey, want to come over tonight" type of other words, making an effort.

Jon and Brenda said...

So confused about who Ed, Hope, Zach and Zoe are. We thought we knew, then after reading the comments, confused as ever.

Anyway, Jon thinks that PadresGirl hit it on the head. After a few dates when things go well, the guy is pretty much into spending time together and could care less what the activity (i.e. THE PLAN -sorry about the all caps thing) is, as long as it is with you (save perhaps ballet, fashion shows and sometimes shopping.)

Just being honest and saying something like, "We seem to be doing whatever I want to do lately. Let's do what you want to." could go a long way in showing that you care about his feelings and don't want to play games, A relief to most red blooded american boys.

Jaimi said...

How in the hell did your cats comment?

Anonymous said...

My cats are really smart. Well, half of them are.