Monday, December 1, 2008

Match #2

I got a call from the IJL people today (only a few hours after I called them, which was awesome) with my second match. The date coordinator is out of town until Wednesday, so I won't find out when we're meeting until then. For now, you'll have to settle for his stats:

His name is Evan, he's 30, he has brown hair and blue eyes (my favorite!). He is 6'. He has a degree in finance from Princeton. He's the VP of Business Development for a company here in town. And that's all I know...


PadresGirl said...

Well, at the very least he sounds "good on paper." And with his job, he probably knows his way around a spreadsheet, which we all know you find incredibly sexy!

Haley said...

I completley agree with Padresgirl. You will be impressed if he has spreedsheets about all his dates he's had. Keep us posted!