Sunday, July 6, 2008


I am happy to say that my date with Tex went really well. I drove over to his house and then we drove together to watch the fireworks. He packed a picnic, complete with appetizers and dessert. We had planned to go to the park and sit on the grass, but we ended up parking in a little dirt parking lot thing on the side of the road where a lot of cars were parked for the show. Tex has a truck, so we just put the lawn chairs in the back and sat in the truck bed. We were really close (like 500 ft) from where the fireworks were launched, so it was awesome. Right away we sort of made friends with some people parked across from us, and the man, noticing the well-planned picnic, said that it must be our first date, since guys don't do stuff like that forever. We said he was wrong and that we had been together 15 years...and he actually believed us...yep, together since I was a freshman in high school.

Anyway, the whole night went really well. He is very stable (just bought a house), has a good job, but is still fun and doesn't act like he's 50 (unlike Pharm). That's the blend I've been looking for, someone who has their stuff together without making me feel like a little kid. I texted him the next morning to thank him and say I had a good time, and he texted back saying he a good time too, and that the last 15 years has really flown by. So, hopefully we'll be going out again...of course seeing how I am actually interested in him, he probably doesn't want to go out again. Murphy's Law strikes again...

1 comment:

PadresGirl said...

Hey, you gotta think positive. I'll keep my fingers crossed that you get #2 with him soon!