Thursday, July 10, 2008

I told you so

Last night was my date with Tex. Overall it went pretty well. We went and hit golf balls. The place we went is set up so you hit into water, and there are little islands out there to give you a place to aim. Well we created a competition to see who could hit them the most. I was a way better golfer than he was, he could hit it okay but was pretty inconsistent. That inconsistency worked out though, because he would it the ball and it would randomly hit an island. Those of you who know me know I'm pretty competitive, so it was pretty annoying. I tried to smile and contratulate him, but let's face it, I hate losing. After golf we went to his house and he made tacos. They were pretty good, but not as good as the strawberry shortcake we had for dessert. Yummy. We hung out for a little while and then I headed home. At the beginning of the date I was a little uncomfortable, but by the end I was having a good time.

When I got home I had an email from Pharm. I was fairly sure I wouldn't hear from him again. He basically said that he understands and that you can't help it if it's just not there. He did say he would like to hang out as friends with no expectations or anything, and he would leave the ball in my court to see if I was sincere about my offer to do so. I was, so it looks like we will continue to hang out as friends. Unfortunately that probably means I'll have to pay for my own I am glad that it all seems to have worked out.


Anonymous said...

its nice to know that you didnt jump up and down and flop all over whining in a state of temper trantrum b/c you didnt win at golf- im pleased to hear that your competitive side maintained mature control. now, lets see how long that lasts!!!! LOL

Ed said...

I second that!! 4 years ago, Tex would have had a back eye.

PadresGirl said...

Oh, it seems like we have a lot in common. Before I let a guy I was seeing come over to play Wii sports (he'd never played Wii before), I practiced like crazy. There was no way he was going to beat me!